Ho’oponopono – When The Whole World Is Inside You – A Beginners Experience

Ho’oponopono what? Yes, it is a long word, a word I often have to think about when I try to spell it, but a word that describes an ancient Hawaiian healing process. As many of my readers will know I have  been experimenting with many different spiritual techniques and healing practices over the past 10 years and more. Ranging from Shamanism, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Law of Attraction – create…

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Focusing On Lack Is Like Searching For Lost Keys

During an extra long EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) session some time ago, something dawned on me about desire and focusing on lack. It could be lack of anything, money, love, health, physical beauty, anything we feel we have a lack of in our lives. We may crave connection, love, friendship, money and yet it eludes us like a carrot on the end of a stick being dangled, always just in…

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Smile And The World Smiles With You

 Walking into my local Marks and Spencer’s today, I crossed paths with a lady shopping. I smiled warmly at her and she responded with a grimace. My first initial reaction was to judge her, calling her names like ‘miserable grumpy sod‘, and more inside my head. This was just an old memory being replayed, and within a few minutes I stopped myself in my tracks. It was not her job to…

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Salt, Sugar, Fat : How The Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss – Book Review

  There comes a time in life when you no longer want to have the wool pulled over your eyes. For me, that time has been steadily approaching regarding the food we eat; the way it is presented to us, and what it all means to the state of the world. One such book pulled the wool away from my eyes, and that is the newly published ‘Salt, Sugar, Fat’…

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The Myth Of The Low-Fat Diet

Many many years ago I bought into the whole diet industries message of: “You must eat low-fat to lose weight.” I get why many people still buy into this message as it is still so big globally. Yet around 10 years ago, I started to ask the question: “Why, if low-fat is the way to lose weight, are there so many low-fat diets still on the market?” And then it…

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CHANGE – And Why It Seems All Hell Is Breaking Loose!

So, it’s the New Year. You have things you want to change, new experiences you want to have, old experiences you want to let go of. They may be health-related, relationship changes, financial changes, career changes – any kind of change. New Year’s Eve came. You felt excited, invigorated, full of potential; you smelled the scent of new in the air. Full of vigour, you marched forward into 2013. Expecting…

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2012 and into 2013 – A New Cycle

Wow, as I sit here I contemplate what to say. It has been an interesting year, and one where I had to take a break from ‘Kelly Martin Speaks’. Beliefs, thoughts, come and go. We often do not know what will stay or what will cement itself in our consciousness. Some ideas we hold onto, some ideas we let go of. Me, I have let go of a lot, and…

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Emptiness – The Path Of The Heart

   It it seems the path of the heart is what we all genuinely desire, deep down within us. Home, Source, God, Creator – whatever we name or label the energy that creates all things has always resided within us. Yet most of us have been so easily distracted by the trappings of the ego, the mind and the desire of the surface self, that we’ve missed out on the…

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Alone – Aloneness – Lonely – Seeking One’s Own Light

In a recent blog update, the author reflects on the year-long journey of self-discovery, recognizing the tendency to seek external validation through social interaction and feedback. Emphasizing the importance of looking inward for comfort and fulfillment, the blogger shares the struggles and insights gained from unplugging from societal norms. The path chosen is solitary and challenging, but ultimately enriching, leading to a greater awareness and connection with one’s true essence.

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Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

    “When life is empty of this and that, The more we hold on, the less we catch, The life we once had, the life we once dreamed, Falls by the wayside and is not what it seemed.”    – Kelly Martin, 2011 How many of us reach a crossroads in our lives and recognise the scenery, but notice instead of reaching the winning square, we’ve been transported back…

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