Hey Everyone,
I’m sorry for the delay in posting about some big changes in my life lately, but lots has been happening.
Not only did I reach the youthful age of 40 I also published my second book in ‘The Shine Series’ When Everyone Shines INCLUDING You.
This was quite a journey for me, because originally I had never envisioned a second book or even writing a series, but I was inspired and felt the journey had not finished with book 1. Book 2 can also be read as a stand-alone book for anyone who is in a place of being ready to shine for the first time.
This book takes the reader further, with each page the experiences of shining for the first time can sometimes be challenging and overwhelming. For those who have never shone before you can go through feelings of feeling like a fake, a failure and when people are looking to you it can feel scary. So ‘When Everyone Shines INCLUDING You’ takes you gently through this journey, allowing you to embrace who you are, take small steps into your purpose and rest when needed.
This week I will begin writing book 3 which is a self-love manual and needs to be started early because it’s going to be not only a large book, but a deeply healing experience for me as the writer and it may bring with it, some challenges in loving aspects of my own nature I may have resisted so long.
I hope you enjoy book 2 and if you have not read book 1 pop by my author page here and read all about it.
So in honour of my new release I am running a competition, where one lucky reader can win book 1 and book 2 in paperback.
To join in the fun you can enter via the GLEAM app below. You also receive extra entries into the prize draw by sharing via the app daily on social media.
‘The Shine Series’ Book Giveaway (GIVEAWAY HAS ENDED!)
P.S: If you can’t wait to win you can buy my book on Amazon here (available in paperback, eBook and Kindle versions).
Competitions at ThePrizeFinder – See more at: WIN 2 Paperback Book