Hate Anxiety? Love It Instead

The Tiger of emotion or fear only bites when you run from it or try to cage it. Set it free.~ Kari Hohne, Cafe Au Soul I’m in my 48th year on planet Earth, and anxiety has been something I have spoken and written about a lot over the course of this blog (and in my podcast). When I was younger, I would push away anxiety with drugs, alcohol, or…

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Isolation: How To Be Truly Alone When Lonely

I’ve had my share of loneliness over the course of my 47 years on Planet Earth. I’ve felt isolated on more than one occasion, but facing isolation without using the old distraction methods is a whole different ballgame. Often, we feel lonely because we want something other than what is. We yearn for people, connection, and company, yet we can be in the company of others and still feel isolated…

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Empowering Self-Awareness: What’s Right About Me?

After nearly a year of doing inner child work and shadow work, there are some issues that can feel like hooks that I struggle to change. Shadow-work and inner child work aren’t some new age concept where you do a quick look in a meditation and then pop out again or where you find a hurting child and you just say a few nice words to them, hug them, and…

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Being Authentic : Give Yourself Permission To Be Bad

As a recovering people-pleaser and recovering co-dependent person, it came as a shock to realise that to overcome and move forward beyond these patterns, I have to give myself permission to be bad. What does this mean? Most of us are programmed early on that to be a ‘good’ person, we need to be or do X,Y,Z. Your particular flavour of X, Y, and Z could be to be a…

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Why Am I Afraid To Be Happy?

Do you ever wonder why life satisfaction feels hard for you? Or do you find that when things are going great you are waiting for something bad to happen? Expecting the worst? Worrying about what’s next on the horizon? It might seem strange but many people think this way, not realising that there is an unconscious desire to feel safe in not being at ease with life. Imagine this experience:…

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Understanding and Overcoming Mental Blocks: Unravelling the Reasons Behind Feeling Stuck

So, why am I so stuck? Feeling stuck in life can be a hard experience, especially if it has been a long time. My experience of feeling stuck stretches out over most of my life, especially my adult life. What I have learned is that we can’t unstick our lives until it is time to unstick our lives. Many unconscious childhood programmes can be playing beneath the surface that we…

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Does 5-HTP Help Depression?

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan), also known as oxitriptan, is a naturally occurring amino acid and chemical precursor as well as a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin (Wikipedia). In layman’s terms, it helps increase serotonin in the brain, a hormone that influences sleep, digestion, mood, blood clotting, bone density, and sexual function. It isn’t found in any foods, so it’s not something we can just add to our diet.…

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Empower Your Heart: Free Yourself From Taking Responsibility For Others

It’s coming to the end of 2023, and losing Michael to sepsis and my friend to cancer, grief has led me on a road of massive self-reflection in 2023. I continue to self-reflect, but some of the biggest realisations are happening as a result of having the rug pulled from under me. Seeing a local healer/therapist because I didn’t know how I was going to get work or more business…

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Embracing Shadows: Self-Sabotage as an Unconscious Form of Self-Protection

I’ll start with my heart. This heart of mine has taken a ride on the rollercoaster this past few years, it’s enjoyed the highs of love, the ferocity of the fight, the lows of heartbreak and loss and the closure of being boxed in. And even though I’ve been writing for at least 16 years now, I feel somewhat rusty, somewhat unable to face the written word and sat here…

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With Pleasure Comes Pain – Is This True?

It’s interesting how much we hide hidden blocks behind what seem like nothing much at all. We may think we are resisting eating healthily for example or resisting exercising and we just think ‘Oh it’s just because I find it boring’ or ‘I’m just too tired to do any of this’ 2022 was a pretty hard year for me, I fell in love for the first time, it was unrequited,…

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