When Insecurity Becomes Security In Love

In deepening my understanding of relationships and attachment styles, I’ve come to realise that my upbringing, feeling insecure as a child, created an unhealthy relationship with security. While other children may have felt secure in a stable, non-volatile, or emotionally receptive world, being shown instability, insecurity, uncertainty, and never knowing if I was going to be acknowledged, seen, or heard led to feeling secure when feeling insecure. This created my…

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Is Your LOVE Profile Toxic?

Since my best friend died in 2023, I’ve been considering my life a lot, my relationships, friendships, and so much more. Grief brings with it a deep sense of loneliness, especially when the one who died was a partner or husband. Michael, while not my husband, was like a husband in many ways. We didn’t so much have the romance, but we certainly had the emotional intimacy, and we enjoyed…

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Embrace Authenticity: Quit Hiding Parts of Yourself to Win Others’ Love

The unspoken deal is this : If you will bury the parts I don’t like, then I will love you. The unspoken choice is this: Lose yourself or lose me After reading this in a book called ‘Necessary Losses’, I know I was given this deal growing up. I had to lose myself to feel safe, to feel even an illusionary sense of acceptance, but all of it was based…

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Embracing Shadows: Self-Sabotage as an Unconscious Form of Self-Protection

I’ll start with my heart. This heart of mine has taken a ride on the rollercoaster this past few years, it’s enjoyed the highs of love, the ferocity of the fight, the lows of heartbreak and loss and the closure of being boxed in. And even though I’ve been writing for at least 16 years now, I feel somewhat rusty, somewhat unable to face the written word and sat here…

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When It’s Time to Stop the Blame Game

“Placing the blame or judgment on someone else leaves you powerless to change your experience; taking responsibility for your beliefs and judgments gives you the power to change them”― Byron Katie Relationships can be tough, romantic, business, political, countries or otherwise. We have been taught to believe an ‘ideal’ by social conditioning, movies, storybooks and gender roles in society. We have been given the idea that a relationship will make us…

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Why Your Happy-Ever-After Is Ruining Your Love Life

Like many women I was taught all about fairy tales in love. I was brought up on storybooks where the Prince rescued the fair maiden and Disney Movies where Cinderella lived a hard life and was given the gift of her happy-ever-after once she was rescued and fell in love with the Prince. There’s nothing new to this story. Most of us have this brainwashing, men included. But what matters…

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Are You Afraid To Be Alone?

From PODCAST: Now, what Osho said was…. This has been said again and again, down through the ages. All the religious people have been saying this. We come alone into this world. We go alone. All togetherness is illusory. The very idea of togetherness arises because we are alone. And the aloneness hurts We want to drown our aloneness in relationship That’s why we become so much involved in love.…

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Are You Addicted To Helping People?

When you’ve been the underdog, the downtrodden, the black sheep, the alienated one it can be easy to get stuck in the trap of helping other people to the detriment of your own wellbeing. When I was in my earlier years of my spiritual journey, I used to feel it was not only my duty, but my path to help other people and while I know I am here to…

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Why A Lack Of Boundaries Can Be Painful and Messy

Guilt Trips and Manipulation The reason we can feel angry at other people sometimes can be because we have not set good boundaries with them. We are not angry at them, but with ourselves. Boundaries for people-pleasers can be a real challenge, especially if you have lived most of your life trying to please other people or from an early age you were led to believe you were responsible for…

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How To Open To Love After Pain

This post ‘How To Open To Love After Pain’ is in collaboration with Orion’s Method. The content and opinions expressed below are that of kellymartinspeaks.co.uk Don’t rush into any kind of relationship. Work on yourself. Feel yourself, experience yourself and love yourself. Do this first and you will soon attract that special loving other. ― Russ von Hoelscher I’ve probably been single longer than the average woman, but I also spent…

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