Why Money Challenges Are All About Trust

I’ve written about money issues many times in this blog, how to recognise where we may be stuck and how we may have secondary benefits to why we do not allow financial abundance into our lives. Sometimes money problems are a deeper block and barrier to change than it is for other people. We unravel bit by bit what our beliefs are and how they are holding us back and…

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Why Are You Scared Of Money?

Why Are You Scared Of Money? How can someone fear money? Isn’t this just a ridiculous idea? Well, many people are scared of money without knowing it. I’m one of those people and it’s a frustrating block to have which I am sure you know if you are reading this blog post. “And what is wrong in having money? One should not be possessive; one should be able to use…

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Can You Be Happy Without Money?

Can we, as humans in the West, be happy without money? Can I be happy without all the ‘stuff’? It’s fairly easy to moan and complain about a lack of money but sometimes money is what money is. We either have it or we don’t. We may have a lot, none or some. Many people in the world are addicted to affluence, it is hard to get out of that…

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Opening To Receive Money: A Journey

  This morning I received this in my ‘Notes From The Universe’ Think of the one area of life that brings you the most discomfort, Kelly, and that’s where you’re ripe for growth. Never fails,The Universe And this made me realise it is time to write about the subject of money. So what can be beneath money difficulties? fear of loss? fear of change? What do we feel we could lose…

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Isolation: How To Be Truly Alone When Lonely

I’ve had my share of loneliness over the course of my 47 years on Planet Earth. I’ve felt isolated on more than one occasion, but facing isolation without using the old distraction methods is a whole different ballgame. Often, we feel lonely because we want something other than what is. We yearn for people, connection, and company, yet we can be in the company of others and still feel isolated…

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Empowering Self-Awareness: What’s Right About Me?

After nearly a year of doing inner child work and shadow work, there are some issues that can feel like hooks that I struggle to change. Shadow-work and inner child work aren’t some new age concept where you do a quick look in a meditation and then pop out again or where you find a hurting child and you just say a few nice words to them, hug them, and…

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Why Am I Afraid To Be Happy?

Do you ever wonder why life satisfaction feels hard for you? Or do you find that when things are going great you are waiting for something bad to happen? Expecting the worst? Worrying about what’s next on the horizon? It might seem strange but many people think this way, not realising that there is an unconscious desire to feel safe in not being at ease with life. Imagine this experience:…

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Empower Your Heart: Free Yourself From Taking Responsibility For Others

It’s coming to the end of 2023, and losing Michael to sepsis and my friend to cancer, grief has led me on a road of massive self-reflection in 2023. I continue to self-reflect, but some of the biggest realisations are happening as a result of having the rug pulled from under me. Seeing a local healer/therapist because I didn’t know how I was going to get work or more business…

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Is Your Attachment To Outcome Causing You Pain?

From my book ‘When Everyone Shines But You’ It is easy to get lost in the daily irritations of comparing yourself with others. This constant battle can be incredibly tiresome. In the beginning most of what you understand is all in the intellect, but experiencing something is an entirely different matter. Knowing that life changes, that life moves and changes exactly when it needs to, often doesn’t bring you any…

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