Rio Rosa Mosqueta Oil – Product Review On Rosacea Skin

Rio Rosa Mosqueta oil - Product Review On Rosacea Skin
A short while ago I received a sachet of amazing day and night cream from I adored the cream as my skin felt it was receiving a sumptuous bath in skin food, so I I took a look around their site and discovered they also did a pure 100% rosehip oil. I had read amazing reviews of this, a little on how it had supported rosacea skin but I was keen to try this out for myself. As some of you may have read in my rosacea post here, my skin was very, very red and sore and so I took this oil through its paces. I gave it a 2 week trial and I am amazed at the difference in only two weeks.
Prior to using it I had large spots over the top of the rosacea and my skin was incredibly dry. I went to a natural skincare practitioner a little while back and had three sessions with her, she told me my skin was so dry it was like a sponge, it even absorbed cleansing milk so I know I needed help.


Applying Rio Rosa Mosqueta’s rosehip oil was very easy. It came in a pump action bottle and the amount that came out was perfect, no wastage and I generally needed 2 pumps of the spray for my face. I applied it in the morning and evening and massaged it into my skin as this seemed to help my skin a lot. I even massaged it into the spotty area because it appears my spots were incredibly dry too. There was no overpowering scent; no smell of roses, so very neutral and feels perfect for sensitive skin. Unlike some oils I have used in the past this absorbed into my skin rather rapidly which was great for morning moisturising especially when I was going out and needed to apply my make-up over the top. Other oils I had to wait for some time before being able to do this.
Over a 2 week period my skin felt a lot softer, not as dry and the spots calmed down considerably. Also the red rosacea calmed down a lot. Even my housemate commented on the difference so I can only imagine what the benefits will be in another 2 weeks time. 



As rosacea can feel like sunburn I do wonder if this is why it works so well. Rosehip oil is noted to be helpful for sunburnt skin also. It certainly encouraged my skin to calm down.
In Just 2 Weeks
Rio Rosa Mosqueta oil - Product Review On Rosacea Skin
The above photos may not look like a big change to anyone who has not had rosacea or acne but it made a tremendous difference to my self confidence. I also did not need to apply nearly as much make-up when I went out.
Rio Rosa Mosqueta say that the results are apparent within a month. I am glad to see it took just 2 weeks to see a change. 
Please be advised that rosehip oil is not recommended for active acne or open eczema, unhealed or open wounds or very oily skin.
Rio Rosa say use this beauty oil to: 
Reduce the visibility of scars
Fade stretch marks
Smooth away fine lines and crow’s feet
Reduce the signs of ageing
Treat sun damage and dry skin
Keep your skin supple, soft & hydrated
Rio Rosa Mosqueta oil - Product Review On Rosacea Skin

Is It Expensive?

This surprised me a lot. I have used a lot of expensive moisturisers over the years and all tend to be £20-£45 This only costs £10.49 for a 20ml bottle and a little goes a long way. 

Overall Verdict

Extremely nourishing on my dry rosacea skin. Very calming and has reduced the redness. Fantastic for healing the skin where the acne was which led to a reduction in acne. No unpleasant scent. I cannot think of anything negative to say as it has helped my skin tremendously. I love the price and feel very encouraged by the countless on-line reviews of this product. I understand now.
If this review has wetted your appetite for Rio Rosa Mosqueta oil click HERE for further information and HERE to purchase.
Have you ever tried Rio Rosa Mosqueta Rosehip Oil? 
Did it help your skin? 
Are you a convert and have been using it for years? 
Do share your stories.


Post Disclaimer:  I received the product Rio Rosa Mosqueta Oil from
All opinions are my own.

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Kelly Martin
Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin, author of ‘When Everyone Shines But You’ is a dedicated writer and blogger who fearlessly explores life’s deepest questions. Faced with a decade of profound anxiety and grief following the loss of her father and her best friend Michael, Kelly embarked on a transformative journey guided by mindfulness, and she hasn’t looked back since. Through her insightful writing, engaging podcasts, and inspiring You Tube channel Kelly empowers others to unearth the hidden treasures within their pain, embracing the profound truth that they are ‘enough’ exactly as they are.

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  1. dream109
    July 4, 2013 / 8:41 am

    Great review! You can really see the difference in the redness of your cheek. I have a bit of redness on my cheeks, so maybe I'll give this a try! x

  2. July 4, 2013 / 8:45 am

    Thank you, I will be reviewing their day and night cream soon and they are sponsoring a great give-away of both the oil and cream. A great combination.

  3. November 6, 2013 / 2:51 am

    Thank you for posting this. I am just staring out with rosehip oil but have been hesitant to use it on my entire face. What a great improvement!

  4. November 6, 2013 / 9:35 am

    Oh wonderful Amy, I love this oil. I don't tend to put it on my face if acne appears at certain times of month but when my skin is relatively spot free its so soothing and caring. I hope it continues to help you.

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