Are You Lying To Yourself About Your Desires?

It can be very easy to ‘want’ and ‘desire’ what we think we ‘ought to’ desire. We may even think these are our genuine wants, but what if they are not? What if we are kidding ourselves?

Let me give you some examples:

  • ‘I want a successful healing business’
  • ‘I want to be a bestselling author’
  • ‘I want a partner’

What if these are not your true wants whatsoever, and the reason they don’t appear to be happening for you is because you are denying your real wants?

Alternatives to the above

  • ‘I want financial freedom and freedom of choice’
  • ‘I want to feel valued and appreciated’
  • ‘I want to be loved and to love’

And what if your deepest want goes against what we are taught we ‘should be’ wanting?

For example:

I want to relax. I want to have fun. I don’t want to have to do anything to just be happy and live a fulfilling life. I don’t want to serve or have to give to get that sense of freedom; I just want to have it and experience it.

We’re led to believe we must work to earn a living. We must give or do to get what we want. We must be of service in order to receive, but what if it’s all lies to deceive us and keep us trapped in a cycle of slavery?


If you begin to change your belief system and experience a different relationship with the divine or life, you will receive pushback from the outside world. Why? Because everyone is so bought into the idea that we must ‘give to get’, ‘serve to receive’ and ‘do to be free’ instead of believing we are free, the divine never wanted us to have to do or be anything. We don’t even require a purpose, a life path, or a plan to live a satisfying and fulfilling life, but we are so deeply programmed to believe the opposite.

The ego-mind will say, ‘But you have to do, work, give, and serve to earn money to be free’

Do you?

Is it possible that your very belief is taking away the great potential freedom that the divine or universe can give you in an easier way?


Does this mean you sit on your ass all day and do nothing? If that is what brings you joy, And contrary to societal conditioning, that’s okay; so yes you can!

LOVE does not place limits on you.

But more than likely, by surrendering the ‘you must do, be, give, and serve’ belief system, you will naturally, through inspiration, be inspired to give, do, and serve, not because you have to but because you desire to, because it brings you love, joy, and freedom.

Are you able to surrender the deeply engrained beliefs of the entire society that you live in? Or would it be too scary a leap to make?

Having life ‘easy’ can bring judgements and resentment from those who are locked in the old belief systems, but often this can simply mirror your own discomfort shifting out of the old ways of being. As you become at ease with EASY those mirrors are no longer reflected in your world because you drop and release any misaligned guilt or shame from stepping out of the group mind and group think.

Am I able to do this?

I’m open to it. It is a big belief system to be freed from. I’d say most would find it really hard to free themselves from.

Slavery is something we were taught to go along with.

Are you wanting to free yourself from being this way?

START by becoming aware.

What do you really want?

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Kelly Martin
Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin is a dedicated mental health writer and blogger who fearlessly explores life’s deepest questions. Faced with a decade of profound anxiety and grief following the loss of her father and her best friend Michael, Kelly embarked on a transformative journey guided by mindfulness, and she hasn’t looked back since. Through her insightful writing, engaging podcasts, and inspiring You Tube channel Kelly empowers others to unearth the hidden treasures within their pain, embracing the profound truth that they are ‘enough’ exactly as they are.

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