How To Embrace Uncertainty

It’s okay not to know. Society trains us from an early age to know. Know about anything and everything. And if we don’t know how something works, we are taught to find out. If we don’t know how to do anything, we are taught to find out. We are never taught to sit in the feeling of ‘I don’t know’. Not knowing is okay. Not knowing who you are, not…

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Are You Lying To Yourself About Your Desires?

It can be very easy to ‘want’ and ‘desire’ what we think we ‘ought to’ desire. We may even think these are our genuine wants, but what if they are not? What if we are kidding ourselves? Let me give you some examples: ‘I want a successful healing business’ ‘I want to be a bestselling author’ ‘I want a partner’ What if these are not your true wants whatsoever, and…

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Empower Your Heart: Free Yourself From Taking Responsibility For Others

It’s coming to the end of 2023, and losing Michael to sepsis and my friend to cancer, grief has led me on a road of massive self-reflection in 2023. I continue to self-reflect, but some of the biggest realisations are happening as a result of having the rug pulled from under me. Seeing a local healer/therapist because I didn’t know how I was going to get work or more business…

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For Now I Grieve…

Death is a part of life, something we all must face. Death is a part of nature, in the dying of each season to the next. Death is we exit one doorway and we enter another. So death contains life and the new. Death isn’t final or being stuck in a rut. Death is the end point of one particular part of our journey and the beginning of yet another.…

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Why Am I Not Good Enough?

From When Everyone Shines But You There are many fears in the world. Fear of spiders, enclosed spaces, heights etc., but a major fear I see on planet Earth is the fear of ‘not enough’. Feeling that as you are is not good enough, so you strive to be better, to be more, to be better than your fellow man, when in fact you are vast and far more expansive…

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Is It Time To Stop Censoring Yourself?

You sit alongside someone, a friend, family member or stranger and you feel you need to say something, but you hold yourself back because you are worried you may hurt that person’s feelings. This is when we start repressing the powerful wise voice inside. For some people, speaking out of turn and using hurtful words is a way to dominate others, but many of us have been taught that we…

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DESIRE – What If What You Want Is Wrong?

Are you frustrated by lack in your life? Are those things you really want just not happening? It’s easy to get attached to a specific outcome to make us happy. We’re surrounded by affluence in the West and encouraged to pin all our hopes and dreams on the outer world. While we might believe that happiness lies within, inwardly many of us may ‘secretly’ hope for circumstances to change in…

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My BIG Leap From Fear To Inspirational Public Speaking

As many of you following may know, this blog was set up by a once shy, introverted woman who was scared to speak, scared to be seen and scared to be heard. Anxiety drove my life and prevented me from accomplishing many things my heart and soul were urging me to do. At University I avoided presentations. At school, I hid at the back. In the schoolyard, I stopped speaking…

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Kelly Martin Speaks: 10 Year Blog Anniversary

  Kelly Martin Speaks: 10 Year Blog Anniversary 10 years today I wrote my first blog entry. This blog was initially meant as an online public journal where I got to express myself when I felt very insecure and socially anxious. Fast-forward 10 years and since that first post ‘Why I Became A Vegetarian and Why I Quit‘ I’m officially: Less socially anxious Far more secure as a person I’ve written…

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STRONG Unparalleled breakthroughs of an epic scale incoming!

Dear Blog Readers…. Sorry for being an absent parent to this blog for some time now. Life has been a bit crazy. From experiencing the old black dog of depression for several months which caused an identity crisis to health issues and survival issues related to an upcoming home eviction, you could say that life has given me a whole lot of writing material for my blog. But instead of…

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