What does world peace mean?
Is it actually possible to have world peace?
I believe peace is an inside job.
It is clear war is all about who is right and who is wrong, a strong clear conflict with difference of opinion and values, often difference of religion or perspective on what is right and what is wrong.
Wars can never end by fighting back
It is clear looking through our history war cannot be won through violence.
We focus on war we get more war, but we forget one big thing when it comes to this world we live in, this world goes beyond the physical experience we are having.
Nothing you see ‘OUT THERE’ would be visible or experienced if YOU were not in this world opening your eyes and sensing with your senses.
Close your eyes at night.
You dream, the world vanishes, as far as you know the dream world you are part of at night is the THE WORLD.
You open your eyes and HERE is another WORLD.
Close your eyes it’s gone – once again.
So without you, can you see? There would be no world.
On this day or any day, take some time to be with you, in meditation.
Sit silently, listen to your thoughts, feel your feelings, how many of them are at war ? How many ‘atom criticism bombs’ are you firing towards yourself? How many judgements are you making of yourself and others?
How often do you make yourself right and another wrong? And vice versa.
Meditation is not simply a method for stillness, it is a way in to bringing peace to the conflict of your own inner WAR ZONE.
And knowing this, recognise that war cannot take place in the ‘outer’ without it first being in humanities ‘inner’.
Check out the Peace One Day website to see what other activities you can do on this day to celebrate world peace at PEACE ONE DAY
And check out this great The Wellness Universe post here where many people are coming together (including me) to bring messages of peace and hope.
Not someone OUT THERE.
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