Goofy, Buck Teeth & Crooked Smiles

Accepting our humanity, including those parts of us we may consider are flaws is so important for our wellbeing and personal balance. When something in us seems wrong, imperfect or even viewed as ugly it can really place a deep dent on our self-esteem.

I used to be called goofy at school, my protruding front teeth was the talking point of the school bullies and the boys in my class. I have sticky out teeth and when I smile I smile BIG, but the beauty industry emphasised the perfect Hollywood smile and so I was left seriously feeling ugly until my thirties.

I saw a pattern in the beauty industry, like many people can see nowadays and because of this, I had had to work hard to accept some of my physical attributes, one of those being my unique smile.   

Brainwashed Beauty!

Cosmetic dentistry is becoming quite the norm in today’s Western society, and the scary thing about this practice is that most of these cosmetic dentists are brainwashing people into believing their natural smile is ugly, incorrect and wrong.  

After looking at a cosmetic dentistry site in the USA I found the shocking way they encourage people to take treatment. They had photos of celebrities they deemed to need fixing, even Tom Cruise which many people would probably say had the perfect smile, yet they felt his teeth needed fixing.  

Buck teeth, crooked smiles, make a person beautifully unique, yet these smile and beauty ‘experts’ seem determined to make everyone reading feel inadequate and incomplete.

One tag line said “So, we’ve seen the ugly. Bring on the good and the bad”  and out of the ugly were the following stars:

Jon Heder
goofy teeth 
Kirsten Dunst
kirsten dunst teeth

Looking at these photos I find Jon Heder incredibly beautiful. At first glance, the first thing I notice is his beautiful blue eyes and because of the subject I am writing about, I then notice his gums.  They do not offend me and I do not feel he needs fixing or correcting, whatsoever.  My best friend, during the days when I was racked with shame and embarrassment about my smile, told me over and over again that he does not notice my gums or the buckness of my teeth, he notices my smile, my eyes and now I understand what he means.  

How can you not see the immense beauty in Jon Heder?  

Mainly because cosmetic dentistry is A) Looking for faults to fix and looking for what is wrong – instead of what is RIGHT in a human being and B) Cosmetic dentistry would be out of business if we all began to love the teeth, gums and smile we have.

And let’s not forget that what we think is beautiful is often brainwashed into us by the beauty industry. You may think you have your own free will and unique perspective, but how do you know it’s your perspective, not something implanted into you as a child?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against all dentistry. If a person has no teeth, finds it hard to eat, is in pain and it is for health reasons, this is worthwhile. And if someone has extreme shame and cannot see a way to love the smile they have got, yes for self-esteem do it!  But there is always another option, and yes it takes time, and yes it’s not the easy path, but I feel its worth it.  

Embrace Your ‘NEW NORMAL’

I heard it on the grapevine that some people in Hollywood are now trying to tone down the bright white flashing neon teeth in exchange for more ‘normal’ looking teeth, this must say something to the beauty industry, if everyone looks the same how does anyone stand out?

Now, as I look at Kirsten Dunst, one thing that I have always found attractive about Kirsten is her non-Hollywood smile, it’s a really sexy smile, yet she was put in the ugly category of Hollywood smiles.
It is time for a change I feel.  I am not prepared to put up with this bogus brainwashing anymore.  I am so pleased to have finally realised this. Those picture perfect smiles created by cosmetic dentists make everyone look alike and I am ready to be a unique, wonderful version of myself.  NO COPY!

Chalice Well Kelly Martin

More and more are realising a unique smile is an asset in the movie business. In essence, many stars are opting for the British smile. In the UK we are noted for having terrible teeth (apparently!) but at least we are originals.

What’s wrong with buck teeth?

I was told to straighten my front teeth because of the extreme narrowness of my horseshoe palate they would need to break my jaw. How extreme is that? All for vanity? Imagine if all of those reading this today, who feel wrong or flawed because of their looks, their smiles suddenly accepted their beauty in the different shape and style it is in and imagine what an example this would be for the rest of the world.
Be an example and show children that who they are right now is important and beautiful regardless of what the beauty industry says. Better to change an ugly personality than an ugly smile.

Would you ever consider cosmetic dentistry? 
In what situations would you? And why?

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Kelly Martin
Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin is a dedicated mental health writer and blogger who fearlessly explores life’s deepest questions. Faced with a decade of profound anxiety and grief following the loss of her father and her best friend Michael, Kelly embarked on a transformative journey guided by mindfulness, and she hasn’t looked back since. Through her insightful writing, engaging podcasts, and inspiring You Tube channel Kelly empowers others to unearth the hidden treasures within their pain, embracing the profound truth that they are ‘enough’ exactly as they are.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram


  1. May 10, 2011 / 10:50 pm

    Aloha Kelly, it's Kate from CCOR!
    Congratulations on your new blog! What fun! When I was young, I had a pretty big overbite, sort of buck teeth up until I was 23 years old when I paid for my own braces. I was teased by my older sister, who, at the time was gorgeous. I felt like an ugly tom boy and was always afraid to smile or laugh. To this day I still don't like to have my photo taken. Having braces did help me to feel better and it corrected the TMJ problems I had. I love that you're writing about people accepting themselves and finding the perfection they 'really' are regardless of societies viewpoints and lack of acceptance. Big smiles to you!!

  2. May 10, 2011 / 11:20 pm

    Aloha Kate, lovely to see you over here. I had a brace as young teenager but because of my narrow up palate everything shifted back. It does take adapating too, and I am still in the process of liking and loving my smile yet I know how important it is to accept who I am and know that if my smile was like everybody else I wouldn't be me. Much love to you Kate and BIG SMILE right back atcha!

  3. May 16, 2011 / 5:09 pm

    You know, when you mentioned that they said Tom Cruise needed work I had to chuckle. He already has caps on his front teeth. I believe they got chipped/knocked out when he wrestled in high school.

    So, the guy who needs work still needs more work because the work he had done is not acceptable?! lol!

    Great post, Kelly 🙂

  4. May 16, 2011 / 5:53 pm

    LOL Marla totally! its a totally crazy world we live in. I notice moreso women have to have the perfection more than men in the celebrity world (with some exceptions). Men have wonky teeth, grey hair and look more original. The mind boggles lol!

    I would hate to be a celebrity I imagine they wake up saying "I just want to not brush my hair today! no makeup!!" arrgh! lol! hugs x

  5. May 22, 2011 / 4:49 pm

    I think having "societal imperfections" can be a GOOD thing… I had braces too as a teen and one kid "Mickey Pintar" still remember his name..tormented me and called me "bucky" lolll I can laugh at it now (sort of ) but at the time it was truly devasting and I saw myself as very ugly because of this for a long time after.. It taught me compassion for others and myself…

  6. May 22, 2011 / 5:21 pm

    Totally Renae, I love it when I see something that stands out in someone. I remember Jennifer Grey when she was in Dirty Dancing she had a beautiful nose and then I was shocked to see her in an episode of friends after a nose job, I did not even recognise her. Sometimes our 'imperfections' can be our greatest assets xx

  7. Anonymous
    February 20, 2012 / 4:33 am


  8. March 18, 2012 / 4:34 pm

    LOL AMAZING! How many Dental Spammers there are out in the netsphere. This post has been receiving quite a lot. I don't even think they read the article. Anyway anyone else that tries to get away with it I will delete straight away so don't even bother.

  9. Anonymous
    April 26, 2012 / 7:41 am

    you look so pretty kelly

    • April 26, 2012 / 1:35 pm

      Thank you Anonymous 🙂

  10. December 21, 2013 / 11:52 pm

    You made me feel so much better about myself! (: You're really pretty!

  11. March 3, 2014 / 5:21 am

    this is just what i needed to read. i get so down about my buck tooth, crooked smile some time. your words were reassuring that i am beautiful the way i am. Thank You 🙂

  12. March 3, 2014 / 7:10 am

    Your welcome and you are. Perfection is underrated and takes away the uniqueness. Clones are not what we came here to be, we were born with the body to be who we are, a great expression of authenticity. Blessings you to and lots of love x

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