Why Won’t My Partner Have Sex With Me?

As a guy, how can I rekindle the sex my partner and I used to have? Written by Michael Doherty the author of the ‘I Ching: A Unique Intepretation of The I Ching‘ As men, how can we support our partners who have been through difficult stuff and don’t enjoy sex anymore? It can be uncomfortable, even painful for them. What sort of difficult stuff? It could be: sexual abuse.…

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How To Embrace Anxiety and Manage The Symptoms

  This post ‘How To Embrace Anxiety and Manage The Symptoms’ is in collaboration with Spink Health. The content and opinions expressed below are that of kellymartinspeaks.co.uk   Anxiety is a tough experience, as I know only too well. I’ve suffered with anxiety since my early childhood and into my adult years. I understand how painful it feels, how stressful and how debilitating it can be.Throughout my childhood I was incredibly…

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Is Your Hormonal Cycle Reflecting The Death Of Your Dreams?

For as long as I can remember my menstrual cycle just hasn’t felt right. My period started at age 13 and every month it came with extreme cramping. Back then I don’t think doctors knew much about PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) or conditions like endometriosis and so I took 2-3 days off school when it came on during a school week. I would cry, rolling around on the floor at…

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Scared To Have A Smear?

For a few years I resisted having a cervical smear test. I am in my late thirties. I believed my body would tell me if something was wrong. However I was not in touch with this part of me deeply enough to know its needs. I put off the smear test for years. And then I became sexually active in early 2015 and when the condom split I had to…

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Woman and Sex – Are You Honouring Your Body?

Woman and Sex – Are You Honouring Your Body? Next year I turn 40. In 2015 I had my first experience of ‘in love’ feelings with a man I dated for 3 months. Before I met this man I had not had physical intimacy in 10 years, yes 10 years! For a woman it is probably easier than for a man, but I chose this time-out and I know that I…

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Ignoring Red Flags For Love

I hold my hands up, I ignored red flags to experience my first fall into love, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I emerged into love, I embraced love, I felt love, my heart opened and flowered in ways I had never felt before and for this I am grateful to my past lover, but this does not mean I have not also learnt a lot from the experience. What…

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Why I’ve Been Quiet (Do not read if squeamish!)

Sometimes life throws you challenges and sometimes it’s not easy coping when they come. As many of you know from reading my book and my blog, my life has not been a smooth running life, like many reading this I imagine. Life has given me many opportunities to accept what is, to embrace my reality and to find a tenderness in what takes place. Earlier this year I had my…

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We all have an inner radiance, I was reminded recently that no matter how much I may have issues with my appearance, when the inner light, the inner beauty shines out it doesn’t matter. It can be a hard understanding to swallow, especially when the majority of the world highlights the importance of outer beauty, but slowly I am beginning to see my own light shine out, regardless of any…

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Review: Green People ‘Help At Hand’ Hand Cream & WIN Organic Body Care Sets

APOLOGIES For Missing Images – Change Of Hosting Resulted In Some Missing Images From Older Posts Having had the pleasure of reviewing Green People Sun Lotion this past summer, I was keen to share more of their products with my readers. As I had such a great response to their products with my sensitive rosacea skin, I knew that this was a company that really considers the individual in terms…

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Paul’s Journey From Anxiety To Freedom

This is a guest post by Paul David from anxietynomore.co.uk How It All Began My Story really started when I was in my 20’s. I had a few issues and turned to soft drugs to cover up how I was feeling inside. The issues really were a lack of direction and happiness. I was never really happy growing up. I had friends, but they always seemed more confident than I was,…

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