Sacred Paths – Unknown Road

Early this morning I lay in bed and an early life experience flooded back into my mind. It was the day I received my GCSE results from school.  I felt a mixture of fear and excitement and opened it with expectations.  I was shocked and surprised to discover my results, primarily that of my Art course.  Every year leading up to my final year in high school (even in my…

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The Unfolding River Within

The unfolding river is inside of me.  Whenever I sense urgency, whenever I sense a pushing within me, I remind myself that the unfolding river flows inside of me. When I feel the planning, organising mind, again, sharing its sense of urgency and desperation.  I remind myself, the flowing river is inside of me. When a spark of creativity flows from within, bubbling like a babbling brook awakened for the first…

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Inner Wealth

So this week has become a rather reflective time for me, as I recover from a viral infection, I have lots of time to ponder and speak with myself. As I lay on my bed today, I was looking at my picture of Lakshmi, the Goddess that represents for me, both inner and outer wealth.  I was looking at the images of the coins coming out from one of her…

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Abraham Hicks – Looking Beyond The Teachings – Going Inside

After following Abraham Hicks for around 4 years, and a more intensive following in my final year, I decided one day to stop watching Abraham Hicks, reading Abraham Hicks and talking about Abraham Hicks. Prior to this I was always referring to the teachings.If I was not up to what Abraham was recommending to do, or I would hear other abers speaking about what I needed to do to feel…

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Sovereign Solitude – Alone – Lonely or Accessing Deeper Inner Rewards?

I spend most days alone.  With the exception of sharing a home with my friend Mike, at most 5 days of those I am walking in nature, being simply with myself, the birds, bees and Mother Earth. Many days it is a wonderous experience, exploring, enjoying nature, animals and all the creatures that walk or fly on my path.  Occastionally, I have a very strong inner response, that of aching loneliness.…

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Embracing Uncertainty – Flowing The Unknown

It is really easy to understand why so many people in the world, including me, will do anything to try and keep some element of control on life, even though its only perceived control.  The real unknown, the real flying by the seat of your pants uncertainty is scary stuff! The mind, ego, needs to grasp onto something and so when distractions in life have been almost all taken away…

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The Unfolding Universe

The Universe that creates worlds, created this tree. No human was standing by it pushing on its trunk saying “come on grow taller! where are your leaves?! bear fruit for me! hurry up and grow!”. I don’t spend my time standing by a tree branch looking at baby birds in a nest yelling at them to grow ‘real’ feathers so they can fly. No, I don’t try and force the…

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Goofy, Buck Teeth & Crooked Smiles

  Accepting our humanity, including those parts of us we may consider are flaws is so important for our wellbeing and personal balance. When something in us seems wrong, imperfect or even viewed as ugly it can really place a deep dent on our self-esteem. I used to be called goofy at school, my protruding front teeth was the talking point of the school bullies and the boys in my…

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What Is Beauty? What is ‘Normal’?

I would like to begin to look at my physical self as the new ‘normal’. The media, magazines, television, celebrities, dentists, beauty ‘experts’ share opinions of a smile that is similar to mine needing fixing. The would view my ‘imperfect’ teeth as not nice and not attractive.  I feel after much self introspection I have perfect teeth. I have perfect teeth for me. For me, I am wanted to not only…

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Material Things And The Law Of Attraction

Something that has been arising for me lately is my earlier dependence on material abundance.  More clothes, more food, more money, more technology… more and more and more…. As time has gone by while I have desires still they are becoming more desires to experience life.  While luxury would be nice, while wealth would be nice, I don’t feel such a dependent need on it.  I have just read ‘Tuesdays…

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