Live Life In Colour – The Healthy Back Bag® Spring/Summer Review

NOTE: Images are missing from this review due to file transfers not working from blogger to wordpress Sometimes a good comfortable bag is so essential for a day out or when going on holiday. I remember when I travelled around Australia, a comfortable bag, especially for going through crowded areas or when in the airport, would have come in so handy. This is why I love the Healthy Back Bag.…

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Waiting For The Next Door – Desire & The Now Moment

Mindfulness and being in the ‘Now’ moment is such a big thing in spiritual circles at this time and this is great because ‘Now’ is all we have, so why are a lot of people believing they can mix ‘the law of attraction’ and ‘creating your reality’ with being mindful and being present? It’s not easy to be present. If it were, everyone would be here now because being present…

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What Is Genuine Happiness?

Something dawned on me last night, one of those questioning thoughts I often have and it was: “Have I ever met anyone in my life who is truly happy?” (adults not including babies). And I realised that there was only one person. And I asked my best friend Mike if he had ever met anyone genuinely happy and he is in his late 70’s and he said no. I was…

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The Reality Of Hope – Living For The Future

In all my experiences and journey through the subject of mindfulness and Advaita, I naively thought I could keep HOPE. I realised how conditioned I was to hope. I have hoped all my life; I was hoping more than I was aware of until now. I thought if I just stopped trying to mistakenly ‘create my reality’, that I was fully present, in the now. I was wrong. HOPE was…

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Embracing Insecurity: Finding True Security in an Uncertain World

In our quest for security, we often find ourselves entangled in a paradox. Despite our diligent efforts to safeguard our lives with insurance policies, pension plans, and various safety nets, we continue to grapple with an underlying sense of insecurity. The events of September 11th starkly reminded us of this fundamental truth, shattering the illusion of invulnerability that many of us in the Western world had unknowingly embraced. Prior to…

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Anxiety – Allowing Vulnerability

“Anxiety should never be viewed as an inherent weakness but rather an out-of-control strength. It takes tremendous strength to never act out rage; to take that energy, to repress it inwardly where it becomes anxiety – so as to not harm anyone else.” ~ Steve Ray Ozanich For the longest time I suffered in silence with intense anxiety. I hid this experience from everyone but close family. Of my friends…

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Intuition Is The Whiff Of Coming Attractions

An ALTERNATIVE VIEW of The Law Of Attraction   ‘People who seem successful at The Law Of Attraction are merely in touch with clear intuition.’ As many of you may know from reading my website ‘Kelly Martin Speaks’ I tend to view The Law of Attraction from a different place and this blog takes it one step further. I feel that we do not attract or manifest anything into our…

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Do You ‘OWN’ Who You Are?

  We are told to be authentic, to be who we really are, but how many of us truly ‘own’ who we are? Maybe you’re single, walking down the street and you see a couple holding hands and laughing and smiling and in that instant you reach out to that couple, yearning to have what they have, in essence to be who they are. You may also be feeling lonely,…

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The Law Of Changing Conditions

Everything changes, but beneath all of that change is an awareness which never changes. I have been consciously a spiritual ‘seeker’ for over 14 years now and I have begun to reach the point of no more seeking. The ego, the mind, is in a state of flux about this admittedly, but I am trusting that asking those big life questions is going to throw a spanner in the works…

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Top 10 Self Acceptance Books For Living A Compassionate Life

We all need a bit of encouragement in life and many of us are brought up into a life where we have no vocabulary for kindness. We may have been abused, bullied, neglected as children, or we may have been domestically abused in our adult lives. All of these factors can leave us with no idea about how to have compassion for self, or to even think kinder thoughts. And…

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