Live Life In Colour – The Healthy Back Bag® Spring/Summer Review

healthy back bag

NOTE: Images are missing from this review due to file transfers not working from blogger to wordpress

Sometimes a good comfortable bag is so essential for a day out or when going on holiday. I remember when I travelled around Australia, a comfortable bag, especially for going through crowded areas or when in the airport, would have come in so handy. This is why I love the Healthy Back Bag. This season’s new range has been unfortunately making me yearn for warmer climates (grin) but the colours really brighten my spirits.

Healthy Back Bag is a company that sells bags that conform to the contours of the body and as a result makes carrying a bag a more balanced affair. No more aching shoulders or feeling lopsided, which I often do when carrying a normal shoulder bag. A little while back I did a full review (including video) of the benefits of this great bag HERE where I showed you exactly what I could fit into a size small Healthy Back Bag, but for this review I want to focus on not only the benefits of comfort and ease, but that a comfortable bag does not mean an old fuddy-duddy bag for the older generation, but can be both youthful, fashionable and pretty all at the same time

Live Life In Colour, don’t we all want to live life in colour? To me, how we feel is so important to how we experience life and for me colour therapy is such a big deal as it can really soothe and relax or uplift and calm. Some days I just feel in a neutral mood and sometimes I just need to spring into action and hot pink (like the bag above) always does that for me.The new spring/summer range includes Vivid Coral, Dusty Lilac, Tropical Green, Orange Crush and Almond (to the right) along with a multi-coloured baglett for adding a fusion of colour to your wardrobe.The Healthy Back Bag Company seem to have outdone themselves this year providing a lovely carnival atmosphere to their range which will certainly turn heads when out shopping or out for lunch with the girls.

And the guys have not been neglected with a great sporty range in their more active collection and great outdoors selection.  With tablet compatible shoulder bags in Cayenne and Olive designed to take hiking, walking and cycling, with the added bonus of being hard-wearing and weather resistant with secure pocket for tablets and iPads.

And the very in-season Camo Khaki design here and pewter and vivid blue are part of the new eco Nature’s Blend range.

My Review

Healthy Back Bag – Summer Sheer Mint in a size small

For this review I received one of my all-time favourite colours in a ‘Healthy Back Bag’, It’s probably one of the most worn colours that I wear during the spring and summer months, mint green. This new design is stunning, a pattern that stands out just enough to make it unique and the combination of mint and gold circular patterns is really pretty and uplifting. As with all Healthy Back Bags this one is equally comfortable and useful. Wearing this bag over one shoulder is not a problem. Sometimes I just fancy doing that if I am in a hurry and want to sling it over my shoulder. Unlike other shoulder bags the bag sits more firmly against my back even on one shoulder.


It also looks really great across the body and is so comfortable I hardly notice it is on. What I always love about these bags is being hands free and they are surprisingly roomy as I often wonder if I will fit everything into the small version, but always manage to and have room to spare. The outside pocket I find is always really handy for putting a bottle of water or an umbrella in for easy access when needed.

As you can see for a size small it is a good size and I have a long back I am told, being all of 5″10 in height also.

I recommend these bags for anyone who suffers from back issues when carrying ordinary bags, and for people who want a sense of style and comfort. The new design I reviewed for this post currently retails £59.00 and can be bought on their website HERE.


To Purchase Or Check Out The Excellent Range Of
Healthy Back Bags Visit Their Website HERE!
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Please Note: The Healthy Back Bag Company is a subsidiary of Ameribag for those of you not in the UK.

Post Disclaimer: I received a Summer Sheer Mint in size small bag from The Healthy Back Bag Company in the UK for review. All opinions are my own.

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Kelly Martin
Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin is a dedicated mental health writer and blogger who fearlessly explores life’s deepest questions. Faced with a decade of profound anxiety and grief following the loss of her father and her best friend Michael, Kelly embarked on a transformative journey guided by mindfulness, and she hasn’t looked back since. Through her insightful writing, engaging podcasts, and inspiring You Tube channel Kelly empowers others to unearth the hidden treasures within their pain, embracing the profound truth that they are ‘enough’ exactly as they are.

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