This Is What Happened When I Took CBD Oil For Anxiety

CBD oil, otherwise known as cannabis oil (cannabidiol) is really huge now as more and more people are finding out about it. I read in awe at how many people were getting benefits (many of my friends included), but a part of me was very sceptical too. I used to a be a marijuana user in my college days, not a lot, but the occasional smoke, but I was often…

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How to Practice Gratitude When Depressed

Experiencing depression sucks, it truly does. As someone who has experienced countless episodes of depression over my life, this recent bout really hit me hard. As I posted in ‘When You’re Drowning In Painful Depression’ it drove me to consider not being part of this world anymore, but what about gratitude? Can we find a way to practise gratitude or appreciation during a depressive period? This week, as I sat…

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When You Are Drowning In Painful Depression

Depression is still something left unspoken. So many of us walk around the world plastering fake happy smiles on our faces, when inside we feel like we are dying. While gazing at my bedroom ceiling this week I day-dreamed about my best friend writing a status on my Facebook page, ‘I’m sorry to announce, but Kelly the owner of this page took her own life last night and lost her…

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How To Embrace Anxiety

How To Embrace Anxiety In my new podcast ‘Podcast For The Soul‘ I talked about how to embrace anxiety, something that has been an experience for me since childhood.  You can subscribe to my new podcast on ITUNES HERE In this episode I talk about: What it’s like to be extra sensitive to the world Social anxiety and panic attacks How I use mindfulness to move through anxiety and fear…

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Why The I-Ching Is A Powerful Teacher

Why The I Ching (ICHING) Is A Powerful Teacher I’ve always been interested in Chinese Philosophy and came across the teachings of I Ching for the first time when I met Michael Doherty. He is a good friend of mine and a fascinating teacher of the ICHING. With almost seventy years experience he felt the perfect introduction to the I Ching for me, he has a way of bringing it…

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Why Are You Scared Of Money?

Why Are You Scared Of Money? How can someone fear money? Isn’t this just a ridiculous idea? Well, many people are scared of money without knowing it. I’m one of those people and it’s a frustrating block to have which I am sure you know if you are reading this blog post. “And what is wrong in having money? One should not be possessive; one should be able to use…

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How to Easily Get Help with Depression as a Man

This post ‘How to Easily Get Help with Depression as a Man’ is in collaboration with Talkspace. The content and opinions expressed below are that of How to Easily Get Help with Depression as a Man Women tend to find talking about mental health issues much easier than men. Women and men are very different in their needs and activities. Talking is needed by women, but for men, most…

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Feeling Lost In The Spiritual Void?

The spiritual void can appear at any time on our life’s journey, especially if we have been self-healing, letting go of old patterns and stepping onto a new path or direction in life. My spiritual journey began in 2000 and I have probably had countless spiritual voids since that time. Each void is different, sometimes they are very dark and feel very bleak, as if a spiritual winter has taken…

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Why Won’t My Partner Have Sex With Me?

As a guy, how can I rekindle the sex my partner and I used to have? Written by Michael Doherty the author of the ‘I Ching: A Unique Intepretation of The I Ching‘ As men, how can we support our partners who have been through difficult stuff and don’t enjoy sex anymore? It can be uncomfortable, even painful for them. What sort of difficult stuff? It could be: sexual abuse.…

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Letting Go Of The Fear Of Success

So many of us may talk about the fear of failure, but we often forget its counterpart, the fear of success. For the longest time I believed I was scared only of failure, when really, I was at ease with failure. I expected failure because it was a well-known comfort blanket to me. To fail was a mask I wore well. On the other hand, to succeed was my true…

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