Why A Lack Of Boundaries Can Be Painful and Messy

Guilt Trips and Manipulation The reason we can feel angry at other people sometimes can be because we have not set good boundaries with them. We are not angry at them, but with ourselves. Boundaries for people-pleasers can be a real challenge, especially if you have lived most of your life trying to please other people or from an early age you were led to believe you were responsible for…

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How to Overcome The Fear Of Change?

We are told to ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’, to fall and get back up in the face of failure and finally to discover that we may in fact be more scared of shining, more scared of success than we ever were of failing in the first place. This has been my story also. You may know the story, child grows up with criticism and toxic parenting and…

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New Year, New Hope Or Attachment To Outcomes?

New Year, New You Bullshit! It’s so easy to do a New Year blog post– a new you post. We revel in the New Year; we say goodbye to the old and enthuse about the new beginning, but why are we waiting until the end of a made-up numeric date to start afresh to put some life back into life? The New Year is like going to confessional. If we…

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Charlotte Underwood – Why I Am Passionate About Mental Health

Charlotte, welcome to my blog Kelly Martin Speaks, so what inspired you to become a mental health advocate, writer, and blogger? I lost my father to suicide in 2014, at the age of 18, it was a hard experience and the first time I really realized how serious mental illness was. At this point, I had already suffered from depression and anxiety and had tried to take my own life…

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How To Open To Love After Pain

This post ‘How To Open To Love After Pain’ is in collaboration with Orion’s Method. The content and opinions expressed below are that of kellymartinspeaks.co.uk Don’t rush into any kind of relationship. Work on yourself. Feel yourself, experience yourself and love yourself. Do this first and you will soon attract that special loving other. ― Russ von Hoelscher I’ve probably been single longer than the average woman, but I also spent…

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Becoming Body Positive For The First Time

Finding My Beauty Amongst The Ugly Voices In My Head So, in my forties I’m starting to unravel shame – body shame. Like many women, I’ve spent most of my life trying to fit in with the ‘ideal’, from seeing Disney princesses as a child, to airbrushed magazines and ‘perfect’ bodies in movies and TV, my body was slowly over time internally shamed by me. Brainwashing begins early on for…

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Why Showing Your Humanity Heals The World

Why Showing Your Humanity Heals The World We are led to believe we need to compete against other people, hide what truly pains us and make sure the outer world thinks we have our sh*t together. If we are a public figure this is doubly important, so they say. If you are teaching or leading people you need to be an empowering person of positivity, an example of how to…

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Do You REALLY Want To Feel Better?

Is The Mental Health Epidemic Catching? Okay, so I’ve had intense anxiety since childhood which I’m in recovery from now and I’ve had many years of depression, suicidal thoughts and deep dark despair, but something has been bothering me a lot lately. The labelling of mental health issues appears to be making it something most people suffer from, but Is it true? I’m not saying this to shame vulnerable people…

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You Can’t Drink From An Empty Cup

“I think sometimes when you’re extra sensitive you tend to be really sensitive to the needs of others and it’s easy to get locked and trapped into a way of life where we give and give and give to the point where we’re exhausted “ – Kelly Martin Are you a giver? Do you give to the point of exhaustion? Is saying NO difficult for you? In this podcast I…

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Let Go Of People Who Stop Your Flow

“Some relationships nourish your soul whilst others damage it a nourishing relationship has an effect on your soul just like nourishing food does on your body it makes you feel good increases your energy to live your life and enhances your well-being healthy relationships for your soul are those that are lived inspire and help you become more of yourself with fearlessness they do not drag your spirit down into…

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