A World Divided – Why Conflict Is Necessary?

We have a massive polarisation taking place on planet Earth right now, between men and women, men and women against minority groups, countries, politics and humanity as a whole. Like many, I have found this very painful to watch and have found myself engaging in from time to time much to my regret. With men hating on women, women hating on men, Trump supporters attacking anyone who doesn’t agree with…

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Insomnia Can Be Cruel – How To Find Relief

This post ‘Insomnia Can Be Cruel – How To Find Relief’ is in collaboration with Curated Wellness Co. The content and opinions expressed below are that of kellymartinspeaks.co.uk We’ve all had sleepless nights. I know I have, but when the sleepless nights are more frequent than actual rested sleep, it becomes a problem. I know from experience that if I have more than a couple of days of little to…

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When Old Trauma Is Stored In The Body

This journey of life is more than a simple ‘reach for what you want in life and get it’, sometimes we need to allow the old that is holding us back to surface, with support. Sometimes we have old trauma stored in the body that we may not realise links up with current day events or issues that are causing us problems. Today, I discovered some old trauma I had…

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Are You Afraid To Be Alone?

From PODCAST: Now, what Osho said was…. This has been said again and again, down through the ages. All the religious people have been saying this. We come alone into this world. We go alone. All togetherness is illusory. The very idea of togetherness arises because we are alone. And the aloneness hurts We want to drown our aloneness in relationship That’s why we become so much involved in love.…

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Do I Really Deserve the Best in Life?

How many of us truly believe we deserve the best in life? And I’m not talking about fantasising and dreaming, but deep down to the core of who we are. Do you feel you deserve the best? It is easy to settle in life, so easy just to accept our lot. Maybe we have tried and perceived many failures in terms of relationships, family, health, money, business and we have…

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Are You Addicted To Helping People?

When you’ve been the underdog, the downtrodden, the black sheep, the alienated one it can be easy to get stuck in the trap of helping other people to the detriment of your own wellbeing. When I was in my earlier years of my spiritual journey, I used to feel it was not only my duty, but my path to help other people and while I know I am here to…

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Why Great Change Can Come From Powerful Loss

Sometimes in life, we can be so fixated on a dream that we don’t notice the dream is not nourishing us anymore. This was me and my dream of the mental health and music radio station Peace Within Radio, and my trip to Glastonbury in the UK that took me on an unexpected healing journey. I had been pre-grieving the loss for some time before switching the ‘off-air’ switch on…

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Why I Found It Hard To Let Go Of My Dream

Sitting here on a humid June afternoon, I feel a furious rage and anger rising inside of me. I have spent a lot of time feeling both a mixture of relief, frustration and deep sadness for a few weeks now. However, now the anger of the grief cycle has arrived. Letting a big dream go after you have worked so hard on it is really hard, even more so when…

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A Positive Chemotherapy Story

So in late 2018 I received the phone-call no daughter wants to hear, that my mum received a diagnosis that she had ovarian cancer. I was shocked, burst into tears and instantly started googling cancer, the side-effects and the side-effects of chemotherapy which was the route she eventually had to go down. In October 2018 she had her first operation where she had a full hysterectomy  and once they analysed…

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Why Feeling Like An Impostor Happens To The Best Of Us

“Michelle Pfeiffer had been nominated for three Academy Awards and six Golden Globe awards when she described her self-doubts in an interview in 2002.  When asked how she had developed her gifts, Pfeiffer responded, “I still think people will find out that I’m really not very talented.  I’m really not very good.  It’s all been a big sham.”  Kate Winslet, too, has been frank about doubting her talents.  “Sometimes I…

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