For as long as I remember people have been saying to me “Stop being so over-sensitive Kelly” or “You’re too sensitive Kelly!”. Being sensitive was always deemed to be a bad thing – a weakness.
Many years later I am now slowly beginning to see being sensitive as an asset, being sensitive connects me to people and I now meet more people who are just as sensitive as me by revealing my sensitivity and accepting it.
Being sensitive gives other people permission to be human and allows vulnerability. And being vulnerable is slowly becoming known as a strength as more writers and teachers are speaking of it as a strength.
Sensitivity can help empathy grow. We can be sensitive in a way that people relate to and feel heard and acknowledged.
Women and Being Too SensitiveWomen can be more sensitive than men, this is simply something we need biologically because to be sensitive means that when we are mothers we are extra sensitive to the needs of our children. We also have a lot of emotional changes and due to our regular menstrual cycle we are often ultra sensitive to our own moods and this makes us sensitive to our surroundings also.Again, this is not a weakness. Being a woman is a beautiful thing we have simply been made to believe that being a woman is weak because we share our fears and sensitivity.Fortunately along with women, more men are becoming more in touch with their feminine side and beginning to allow sensitivity to slowly emerge. For men this will take some time because both men and woman have been stereotyped too much. Women being seen as often over-emotional, but once we embrace this emotional side we can start to accept who we are, as we embrace our feelings the world we live in changes because we are no longer resisting a big part of our nature.
Highly Sensitive Person
― Anthon St. Maarten This post is part of my A to Z blogging challenge drop
by tomorrow to see what the letter P will be about.
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