“…There is a feeling called ‘love’ that is an emotion which comes and goes. When you are feeling good, you are loving; when you are feeling grumpy, you are not. This is not the kind of love I am talking about. I am referring to an observable energy field in the Vastness. It is radiant pink and it moves and flows and sparkles. It moves through and goes where it will.”
~Bartholomew – I Come As A Brother~
How many of you want to love?
Or do you want to be loved by others?
With scriptures, to parenting, to school-years, we are given the impression that love is conditional. We are lovable if we behave a certain way, if we fit in with our parents’ or society’s expectations of us , but genuine love is not dependent on conditions, neither is it something that is there one minute and gone the next.
We are told to be kind, show compassion, be loving, caring to others but we cannot do any of these if we do not show ourselves the same respect.
Love is not something we switch on or off dependent on who we are directing it to and it’s not dependent on anyone ‘out there’.
It does not serve us as humans to beat ourselves up for not ‘being loving’ to others, because this is not love, not divine love anyway.
Love like Bartholomew said in the quote above, is flowing, a constant energy, like sunlight. Sunlight does not define what is lovable and what is not. It shines on everything and everyone equally.
So… How Do We Love?
- Begin by limiting your vocabulary towards yourself. If you have off days, feel sad, angry, moody, try to not say that you are not feeling very loving. This is incorrect. The ego does not love. Love is not in a tidy box you get out when you feel a certain emotion. It is expansive and cannot be held down or pin-pointed.
- Start to focus on your heart centre, that point in the centre of your chest. If you can imagine a colour there, it could be pink. You could imagine a flower opening, or a pink crystal sparkling, or anything that comes to your mind when you imagine love. If you cannot see this, trust that it’s there and simply focus your attention on your heart centre. Focus on this area as you sit, as you walk, as you meditate.
“…Love is something that you allow to have its movement through you and about you. Your very being is Divine Love. This is not something that you are aware of, for you have attached your vision to such a limited meaning of what Love is that you are caught in unreality. You think that love is one body caring for another body, or caring for a few other select bodies around you. This is nonsense. Love is not something that you do. In a state of Love, the one fact that you are constantly and utterly aware of is that Love is something that you are! And you cannot ‘are’ something…”
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Love this post Kelly and completely agree with you. I had the conversation with myself on how can I show more love to others, but just by being who I am and allowing the love to radiate from me is all I need to do. For the past six months, I've felt the love in my heart centre and it's growing and growing more as I place more attention on it and just allow the feeling to come up. It's now much more natural than it was when I first started x
Thanks Rachel.
Excellent! I find the more I accept myself the more love radiates. Its a work in progress my heart chakra, well a remembering that the love is always there LOL