Who Would You Be If You Had Received Everything You ‘Thought’ You Wanted?

We all have moments of lack, feeling we are lacking something we want. It could be money, a relationship, a family, a career etc.. And sometimes we feel deeply frustrated, angry and in such a deep state of lack that we could just scream. I had a moment like this just this past week. And after one of my often breakthrough conversations with my best friend Mike something made me…

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Review: At Last A Life – Anxiety and Panic Free by Paul David

Title: At Last A Life   Anxiety and Panic Free  Author: Paul DavidPublished: 2006Publisher: Self-publishedPages: 169Price:  £13.99 ( Purchase HERE) USA : $21.99 (Purchase HERE – price at time of posting) Genre: Mental Health As someone who has suffered from anxiety since the age of 7, I have quite a bit of experience in ‘trying’ to overcome this often debilitating condition. Anyone who has experience of anxiety and panic attacks knows how limiting it…

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Spiritual Superiority – It Comes In Through The Back Door

  “The best game ego has is the spiritual game. This game is incredibly powerful because it makes you superior to everyone around you.” ~ Bartholomew The spiritual path can sometimes feel like a virtuous one. What is more virtuous than being with God? You can’t argue with God, so the spiritual journey can cause a huge inflation of the ego. And it often comes in through the back door.…

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Review: Dreams Of Awakening by Charlie Morley

Title: Dreams of Awakening   Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness Of Dream and Sleep Author: Charlie MorleyPublished: 2013Publisher: Hay HousePages: 301 Price:  £12.99 ( Purchase HERE) USA : $14.92 (Purchase HERE – price at time of posting) Genre: Mental Health This is possibly the most comprehensive guide to lucid dreaming that I’ve read in a long time.  Charlie Morley, a lucid dreaming expert, has shared his knowledge and insights in a way that everyday Joe…

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Paul’s Journey From Anxiety To Freedom

This is a guest post by Paul David from anxietynomore.co.uk How It All Began My Story really started when I was in my 20’s. I had a few issues and turned to soft drugs to cover up how I was feeling inside. The issues really were a lack of direction and happiness. I was never really happy growing up. I had friends, but they always seemed more confident than I was,…

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Embrace The Dark and Light Within You

Can you feel the beauty in moving from joy to sadness? Or is being positive more important to you? What if I told you that focusing ‘only’ on the positive keeps you stuck? I’ve been awake on my spiritual path since 1999, but I went through many cycles in that time. For the first 7 years or more I was enthused by exciting possibilities in life that I had never…

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Feeling Seen & Feeling Heard

A lot of people walk this world feeling invisible. Some use cries for attention through speaking loudly, some boast about their lives, and a silent few simply walk, feeling alone, unheard and desiring true connection and recognition. What many people may fail to realise is that everyone wants to be seen, everyone wants to be heard and everyone wants to feel recognised and loved for who they are. My own…

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An Interview With Lucid Dreaming Expert & Hay House Author Charlie Morley

We sleep one third of our lives, and while it refreshes and revives us for our waking hours, what if we could use part of this time to not only have fun, but to transform how we experience the world and who we are? This is where Lucid Dreaming comes in. Since I was a child, I have always dreamt very vividly, remembering most of my dreams. I kept a…

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Being Human Part 5: Love Yourself For NOT Loving!

  We are told time and time again: “You must love yourself”. And yet when we are feeling less loving towards others, it feels like an impossible thing to do.  Instead why not… Love Yourself For NOT Loving   Can you love yourself for not loving someone or not liking someone? It seems to go against the grain of so many spiritual teachings. We are taught to be compassionate and…

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7 Tips For Managing Anxiety

    We are often told by people who don’t suffer from anxiety to find something to relax us. We are told to meditate, or to take deep breaths, but clearly people without anxiety do not understand the process of anxiety.  We cannot use positive thinking to ‘get out’ of an anxious state of mind. Meditation in the taking of deep breaths and trying to quiet the mind does not work with anxiety but there are ways…

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