Happiness – a simple topic right? No! Happiness could be seen as something we all feel and that we all should have as our goal in life, but what if happiness is simply a transient feeling that cannot be pinned down or added to a list of goals in life? We all probably would prefer to feel the ‘positive’ emotions of joy, excitement and peace, but what if a better…

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G is for GRIEF

For those of you who know grief, you will need no explanation, but those who are yet to experience the heart-wrenching grief of losing a loved one to death or separation in some other way may like to follow my journey through grief. My earliest experience of grief due to the death of a loved one took place when I was 16 years old. My nanna died (grandmother) and several…

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F is for FREEDOM

Many people may have vivid feelings of freedom as a child, me? Not so much. I remember playing and having fun as a young child, but I was also racked with this feeling of physical restriction, like I was held back by something. I used to walk with a bent back, never held my head high because of life experiences early on and being picked on for being tall. Freedom…

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E is for Embarrassment

As a perpetual blusher, embarrassment is something that has been a regular event in my life. I can’t remember a time when I did not blush, even during my early childhood I was very shy, hiding behind my mother and going red in the face at any sense of attention from others. At the moment I am more able to embrace the blushing feeling, but I question it because I…

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D is for DESIRE

Desire is such a sexy word to me right now. In the past, desire tended to be a feeling I resisted and found challenging because I had spent a very long time in my life with unmet desires. I found that my desires were strong and powerful and I watched as friends and people around me had their desires fulfilled and I stood by the side of the road with…

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  When I was younger I was curious, but in my teenage years my curiosity changed. I was more curious about boys and my peers and curious about how I could fit in with my peer group, my curiosity was less about the world and life and more about how to belong in life. Now my curiosity is huge! Without curiosity, I feel we  live a half life, when we…

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B is for BOREDOM

Many years ago I used to feel bored a lot; I was bored with life, bored with me, bored with what felt like a stagnant life I had opted in for, until I discovered mindfulness. Boredom is not possible when we rest in the awareness of the NOW. The present moment has no place for boredom. When I was bored in my past, I feel on some level it masked…

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So they say beauty is the eye of the beholder and yet the subject of attraction can have many components. We are led to believe that we are automatically pre-disposed to find certain qualities attractive in another person, be it physical or biological, but over the years I have discovered that attraction can be fleeting, physical attraction most of all. Attraction and Infatuation Recently I had my first experience of…

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What Are The Side Effects Of Mirena IUD?

    Compensation for this post was provided by Rose Vitalis. Opinions expressed here are my own. As woman in my late thirties I have recently had to explore the world of contraception again after a long period being sexually inactive. Now since I was last on the contraceptive pill the world of contraception sure has changed and I was quite overwhelmed with the options I had. In my younger years…

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Blogging From A to Z – April Challenge

Hi everyone, so to kickstart my spring (I love the spring – full of new things). I am joining a challenge, it’s called ‘Blogging from A to Z Challenge’ It sounds fun and a way to really ponder a specific topic. So I will be posting a new post every day for the month of April (with Sundays off). These may be short, long posts or anything that feels appropriate.…

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