Clawing Leopard & Nipping Duck

Last night I had a dream.  I was sitting on a bench and a waddling of ducks came up to me and began tugging at my trousers and legs with their beaks.  I was then approached by a leopard which then clawed at my legs.  I was a bit irritated, as apparently (in my dream) this had happened the last time I had sat at this bench.  I was wondering when the park owner was going to do something about it.

Leopard spirit tends to be drawn to those who tend to be loners, very comfortable with themselves and are people who are often drawn to other solitary people.  This is very true in my case.  The fact that both animals were tugging at my legs, really speaks to what I have been doing a lot of lately.  Walking.

For the first time in my life, this past 3 months I have been exercising my body.  Not with the intention to exercise, but with a strong feeling I must move.  Walking is a meditation to me, the repetitive motion of movement falls in rhythm with my own heart and grounds me.  The longer I walk, the clearer my mind becomes, the deeper my connection to my heart happens.  With walking I have felt a growing feeling of knowing.  My intuition seems to have strengthened, my instincts are primed and functioning strongly, and my love and connection to nature has blossomed. 

I walk at least 1 hour 20 minutes a day, sit for a while by the river.  Or I walk up to 3 hours each day, walking up to a woodland I know out of the city which overlooks farmers fields and has spectacular views.  Sometimes I walk through fields to a little church and sit in its graveyard, this is a very silent space.  I then walk and sit by the lake and just sit. 

I do a lot of sitting and a lot of walking. Alone.

The word alone used to scare me, now the word alone feels like a beautiful loving space to be.  I give myself time to be.

It is funny, but since my alone time, my walking and my sitting, my creative writing has become born again.  I am allowing myself to express a different side to me, and through writing I let my fingers or pen do the feeling and flowing.

Duck in my dream also has a message for me :

Ducks are connected to feminine energies, the astral plane and emotions through their connection with water.

Ducks remind us to drink deeply from the waters of life.

Find comfort in your element and with those of like mind and spirit.

Ducks teach you how to maneuver through the waters of life with grace and comfort.

Psychologist and therapists often have Ducks as a totem, assisting them to help others move through emotional tangles.

From : Animal Totem – Duck

I look forward to see what else Leopard and Duck has to teach me on my journey.


Kelly Martin
Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin is a dedicated mental health writer and blogger who fearlessly explores life’s deepest questions. Faced with a decade of profound anxiety and grief following the loss of her father and her best friend Michael, Kelly embarked on a transformative journey guided by mindfulness, and she hasn’t looked back since. Through her insightful writing, engaging podcasts, and inspiring You Tube channel Kelly empowers others to unearth the hidden treasures within their pain, embracing the profound truth that they are ‘enough’ exactly as they are.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram


  1. May 3, 2011 / 2:49 pm

    Wow Kelly, you have such a natural and refreshing blog here. I really like it 🙂 Keep up the good work. Thanks for stopping by at my page and for your kind words :))
    Sandra (BionicPoetryGirl) 😉

  2. May 3, 2011 / 4:56 pm

    Hi Beautiful Sandra, thanks for popping by and commenting. Its great to get feedback because even though I have been writing here since 2007 my writing has changed this year and its really new to me.

    Many blessings and love, always
    Kelly x

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