Review: Self-Worth Hypnosis – Hypno-Peripheral Processing (HPP)

brain unconscious reprogramminng

Review: Self-Worth Hypnosis – Hypno-Peripheral Processing (HPP)

Years ago a friend introduced me to something called ‘Hypno Peripheral Processing’ (HPP),  and I thought WOW this is amazing.

However, back then I was not ready for change, so I gave up listening to the recordings after a short time.

When I was inspired to look into it again I felt ready for change and transformation.

I am a big believer that when it is time for change and new ways of seeing ourselves and the world, it takes place naturally and we take on board new thoughts without force.

Dr. Lloyd Glauberman created a new way of hypnosis that helps and supports even those who feel they cannot be hypnotised. I was one of these. I went to see a professional hypno-therapist many years ago and I could not be hypnotised, but Dr Glauberman’s creation does something completely different to me. It bypasses the controlling mind and allows the new thoughts into my sub-conscious mind.

For the purpose of this review I have been reviewing the programme called ‘PERSONAL ECOLOGY : The Self Esteem Programme‘ and ‘CREATING A PRESENCE : Power Communication‘.

I decided this needed a full length review so I used this programmes for 6 weeks. Every evening I listened to them before I drifted off to sleep and I have had transformative changes take place.

What Is HPP?

I thought about trying to say what HPP is, but realised that I may not be the best person to describe the technique so it is probably better described by the man himself, Dr Lloyd Glauberman and from his official website.

“For over 30 years, Dr. Lloyd Glauberman, a Manhattan-based psychologist-psychotherapist and expert in business-related stress management and behavior change, has helped patients, both adolescents and adults achieve a wide variety of personal and professional goals. In 1990, he dramatically expanded his patient-base as he launched the Hypno-Peripheral Processing (HPP) audio programs, a series of CDs that combine aspects of Ericksonian hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to assist people on their journey to attain greater personal fulfillment…

…Each 30-minute HPP program weaves a series of parable-like stories that gently overload the listener’s conscious mind. Known as dual induction, this technique shuts down the logical part of the mind and allows for a deep state of relaxation ideal for the absorption of positive suggestions by the listener’s subconscious mind. Users report positive results after a few sessions. Changes begin to spontaneously appear- changes that occur naturally at the right times, in the right places, and with the right people.”  Read More HERE

Watch video below for more information from Dr Glauberman:



Many of you reading this will know that my inspiration comes from wanting to love and accept who I am, and then passing on what I learn as I do this.

“Personal Ecology uses Dr. Lloyd Glauberman’s revolutionary HPP method to unlock the power of your unconscious mind – removing barriers to a healthy sense of self-esteem.With HPP programs, you can expect new positive thoughts and behaviors to spontaneously appear in your life. Become calm and centered, avoid self-sabotage, and tap into your inner personal power.”

Personal Ecology introduces a new way of seeing yourself and your world through the most mesmerizing and beautiful stories I have heard in a long time. It really engages the inner child and I can feel the unconscious part of me that has probably been running the show for a long time.

Some people say the inner child is responsible for poverty thinking and many other negative experiences in our lives, or rather how we view life, but the inner child just wants to feel safe, and will kick and scream and go silent if what is taking place does not feel right, based on the memories they are still re-living from our earlier life choices.

These stories were so magical to me. I found it hard at first to switch off because I loved the stories so much, but after a while my conscious mind had a snooze and before I knew it I was at the end of each recording.

How Do I Know These Recordings Worked For Me?

My first sign was when I had a dream that I remembered. I dreamt I was telling someone I was choosing life and that I loved my life. I had never ever had thoughts like this inside me before and I told off an aspect of me in the dream that was calling me lazy and criticising me. In fact in the dream I closed the door on that aspect of me – very symbolic. The words I used included some I vaguely remember hearing on Dr Glauberman’s Personal Ecology series of audio recordings so I know this program works for me.

The Personal Ecology: Self-Esteem HPP program includes the following titles:

  • CD1 Track1 – Self-Respect
  • CD1 Track2 – Confidence
  • CD2 Track1 – Assertiveness
  • CD2 Track2 – Relationships
Running Time: 2 hours
I noticed that my personal relationships began to change; how I walked has changed, more empowered and less self conscious. I am able to state my needs better and generally my confidence has grown, and all in only 6 weeks. I look forward to seeing how this experience goes as I continue to listen to them.

Creating A Presence HPP


As many of you will see, my blog is called ‘Kelly Martin Speaks’. I have felt for the longest time that my greatest fear will be my great mission in life. And this has been confirmed for me more recently.

‘Creating A Presence’ HPP is all about building confidence in relation to public speaking and communicating in general. Since listening to this set of audios I have been blown away by my confidence.

Changes that have happened for me include:


Leading meditations in a weekly spiritual development circle I go to.


Standing up in a workshop of 10 strangers and giving a motivational talk with the help of my intuition and inner guidance.


I was so overwhelmed by the positive feedback that I cried. I could not believe that I had actually stood up and used my voice. I am finally moving through the phobia of public speaking and I can honestly say HPP is what has started my speaking journey.


The ‘Creating a Presence: Power Communication’ HPP program contains the following titles:

  • CD1 Track1 – Learn Confident Public Speaking
  • CD1 Track2 – Communicate Effectively

Running Time: 1 hour 



Not only am I speaking in public more easily and less fearfully, but I am communicating more clearly with others in general. I am enjoying full eye contact when talking to strangers and trust that this will continue to grow and expand as I listen.
Dr Glauberman’s ‘Hypno Peripheral Processing’ has been very transformational for me.



POSITIVE Easy to listen to, gentle, not over-powering; the music and the voice are so soothing. Allows your unconscious to take on new thoughts in a flowing and encouraging way. Not the power surge way that some people describe positive thinking; this is not forceful – more allowing than anything else I have tried.

NEGATIVE The only con is that there are so many more from his work that I want to try out. I will need to start on the ‘Money HPP’ that I bought from Dr Glauberman so that I can afford to buy more (grin).

HPP is available from Dr Glaubermans site here in both MP3 and CD formats.

*Post Disclaimer: I received an MP3 copy of Personal Ecology HPP and Creating A Presence by Dr Glauberman from Dr Glauberman for review. All opinions are my own. 
Kelly Martin
Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin is a dedicated mental health writer and blogger who fearlessly explores life’s deepest questions. Faced with a decade of profound anxiety and grief following the loss of her father and her best friend Michael, Kelly embarked on a transformative journey guided by mindfulness, and she hasn’t looked back since. Through her insightful writing, engaging podcasts, and inspiring You Tube channel Kelly empowers others to unearth the hidden treasures within their pain, embracing the profound truth that they are ‘enough’ exactly as they are.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram

1 Comment

  1. Kenny
    September 17, 2021 / 4:18 pm

    Great read and honest feedback. Thank you and blessings.

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