Review: The Art of the Intuitive Healer – Wayne Lee

Title: The Art of the Intuitive Healer
Genuine real life case studies of intuitive healing that will captivate your heart.

Author: Wayne Lee

Published: 2013

Publisher: emp3books

Pages: 200

Price: £6.95 at time of posting ( Purchase HERE)

USA : $9.04 at time of posting (Purchase HERE)

Genre: Mind, Body, Spirit

Healing has such far-reaching effects that as channels for healing we can sometimes think that it’s a simple process of laying our hands on someone and that’s it. Sometimes, as channels for healing, we are taught different techniques to do this, using symbols and ways of laying on of the hands, that it can be easy to forget to listen to our intuitive guidance.

Wayne Lee’s book shows those of us in the healing fields that it is so much more than a simple laying on of hands. Lee, a psychic surgeon, intuitive healer, trance healer, spirit surgeon and Reiki Master, brings home to us the reality and clarity needed to be an intuitive healer, in how everything taking place can give the practitioner or channel information on what is taking place with the client.

When I was first attuned to Reiki I followed all the techniques, but as things progressed I began to drop the techniques and the symbols and simply followed where my hands and energy wanted to go. I also began doing strange things with my hands, which funnily enough I stopped doing because my ego made me feel self conscious about doing so. Since reading Lee’s book I understand that these strange things I may do in a healing environment are part of the healing process.

Some channels for healing are very visual and sensitive to what takes place, some are more claircognizant (clear knowing). I was keen to read Wayne Lee’s book to discover if those weird hand movements meant anything and I’m relieved that they did. Perhaps now it’s time for me to stop worrying about how weird I may look to others and simply let the ‘weird’ movements take place.

Wayne is a very experienced channel for healing, with a wide range of natural skills which he puts into practice throughout his work. Some I find thoroughly fascinating and some are great skills I would like to learn myself. In his book he takes the reader through his healing practice, describing what takes place during the entire process, from the first meeting with a client, to the interactions he experiences between those who accompany the client, to how deep childhood scars can be lifted and shifted through psychic surgery and other methods that Wayne has developed over the years.

This book is a book for those who channel healing or have an interest in this. It will make a great tool for those practising any of the healing modes of Reiki, spiritual healing and other work with people, including spiritual guidance, for Lee’s way of looking at things can be more eye-opening than others I have met in his field.

Lee takes you through important topics like:
  • Personal power.
  • Trauma and energy.
  • Human beliefs and patterns.
  • Holding a space for a client.

And so much more.

Lee’s experiences are wide-ranging and sometimes can seem far fetched, but reading on, it is very clear that deep healing is taking place. I liked hearing about what Lee saw both before, during and after a session; what different people can bring to the healing room and where energy blockages and trauma can reside in the body and in what way. Lee shares some great insights into how he experiences the world and I would love to see more of his personal insights in his next book.

“…I believe that earth is a space created by intention of the universe, the universe’s ultimate goal is to grow and learn more about itself, to understand itself better. I believe spirit in the universe, or parts of the universe that have individual identity experience existence at an extremely high vibration. This means that when the universe experiences happiness, sadness, jealousy, envy, lust, enlightenment, it’s so fleeting that it’s hard for the universe to get a full grasp of the feeling; the sensations are so quick they are not really fulfilling. The universe craves sensation, so through it’s intention, a space has been created where parts of the universe (souls) get the chance of being connected to a heavy slow energetic vibration (physical body) to be involved in these fleeting emotions in a much more intense, longer lasting experience…”

~ Wayne Lee, The Art of the Intuitive Healer (Pg 61)

While I don’t feel this book is for everyone, but primarily those in the healing fields, I look forward to reading more from this new author. It would be very interesting to hear about the inspiration Lee brings through from his guides, not only in healing but in his psychic readings and workshops. Lee is far removed from other therapists I have met who are quite attached to the identity of healer and he appears to be quite clear with a no bullshit approach to both his healing and teaching practice.

Wayne Lee’s book bridges a gap in the market where we can learn to trust our instincts as channels for healing and remember that as vehicles for healing we are each uniquely inspired in the best ways to bring what a client needs, and that clients essentially are healing themselves. We are simply a conduit for that healing.

Thanks Wayne for bringing your insights to us through your writing, I look forward to seeing what is next.

The Art of the Intuitive Healer takes the reader on a journey through the healing world of Wayne Lee and his clients. It is quite an eye opener to experience these experiences through Lee’s eyes. I highly recommend it to anyone in the healing fields who may be interested in learning what takes place in a channel with a great deal of experience, great for newbie healing channels and also anyone interested in their own healing.
The only constructive criticism I have about this book is that I would have liked to see the chapters broken up so they were not so long and for the sentences to have smaller line spacing, but this is basically an editorial criticism. The content is seriously fascinating!

*Post Disclaimer: I received 1 copy of the book ‘The Art of the Intuitive Healer’ by Wayne Lee from Wayne Lee for review. All opinions are my own.

Kelly Martin
Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin is a dedicated mental health writer and blogger who fearlessly explores life’s deepest questions. Faced with a decade of profound anxiety and grief following the loss of her father and her best friend Michael, Kelly embarked on a transformative journey guided by mindfulness, and she hasn’t looked back since. Through her insightful writing, engaging podcasts, and inspiring You Tube channel Kelly empowers others to unearth the hidden treasures within their pain, embracing the profound truth that they are ‘enough’ exactly as they are.

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