Review: Chakra Workout – Balancing The Chakras With Yoga by Mary Horsley


~Chakra Workout~ Balancing The Chakras With Yoga

Author : Mary Horsley
Publisher: GAIA Books

“Subtle energies course through our bodies like an electric circuit—and the areas where the energy concentrates are our chakras. Each chakra opens the door to a different stage of development, and with this complete practical workout you can influence them all, and raise your consciousness to the next level. Using breathing techniques, yoga postures, meditation, and massage, embark on an exploration not only of the seven main chakras but the 21 minor ones, too. You’ll learn each one’s location, purpose, color, element, symbol, age, mantra, and effect—depending on whether it’s blocked or flowing freely. Work on them either one by one or as a total system. Exquisite photos and drawings throughout the guide illustrate the postures, techniques, and concepts.”

Over the years on my spiritual journey I have noticed what a difference yoga and other types of exercise do to my body, but not only to my body, but to my overall sense of well-being  You may not know that we have energy centres that may be balanced or out of balance depending on our history, conditioning and background. Different energy centres (chakras) support our development and reflect what is going on for us in our mind, body and spirit.

For example some of the chakras are fairly obvious in that the heart chakra reflects out ability to give and receive. If it is out of balance we may feel resistant in this area.

This book enables you to work with the body to bring balance to your mind, body and spirit, and also teaches you about chakras, how to work with meditation, massage and different yoga postures to bring yourself back into balance. It explains the chakras clearly and goes through the names of chakras and their meaning in English and what they do. It then takes you through yoga postures that go well with each chakra. It also goes into the minor chakras. A very thorough understanding of the chakras.

If you like the sound of this book and can’t wait to win it, you can buy it from Amazon UK HERE

PLEASE NOTE: I am testing a new competition app. If anyone would like to try all options for me, that would be great. I want to use this app for my huge Christmas give-away in December.

To enter the give-away enter using the GLEAM give-away app below. You can enter daily on some of the options and receive extra entries into the competition. The winner will be randomly selected via the app and all entries will be verified by blog owner.(UK ONLY)


WIN – Chakra Workout – Balancing The Chakras With Yoga

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Kelly Martin
Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin is a dedicated mental health writer and blogger who fearlessly explores life’s deepest questions. Faced with a decade of profound anxiety and grief following the loss of her father and her best friend Michael, Kelly embarked on a transformative journey guided by mindfulness, and she hasn’t looked back since. Through her insightful writing, engaging podcasts, and inspiring You Tube channel Kelly empowers others to unearth the hidden treasures within their pain, embracing the profound truth that they are ‘enough’ exactly as they are.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram


  1. October 31, 2013 / 5:38 pm

    Chakra healing is one of the few self healing techniques I've tried that truly does give lasting benefits. It always brings relief in a number of ways. The biggest release it gives me is to help my body and soul migrate back from the points of imbalance that are created by every day stresses and illness

  2. October 31, 2013 / 5:49 pm

    Wonderful that is so good to hear. Good luck with the give-away!

  3. October 31, 2013 / 5:56 pm

    It would help me to improve my mental flexibility as well as my physical

  4. October 31, 2013 / 6:06 pm

    very true Jane, thanks for entering 🙂

  5. October 31, 2013 / 6:08 pm

    As a Libra I am always uncomfortable when my balance is out and I think this book may help me re-align myself emotionally, physically and mentally 🙂

  6. October 31, 2013 / 6:13 pm

    ah yes, Librans need their balance, good luck with the competition!

  7. October 31, 2013 / 8:53 pm

    We had a very stressful time in the early part of this year and I feel I need something to help me get back to feeling that things (including me!) are balanced.

    Hazel Rea – @beachrambler

  8. November 1, 2013 / 9:03 am

    I do yoga most days but I must admit I pay scant attention to the theory just enjoy the benefits, this might change that.

  9. November 6, 2013 / 11:23 am

    Wow this sounds fab could really do with some balance in y life

  10. November 6, 2013 / 11:47 am

    I think that this would help me out a great deal, as my life as been very stressful lately, after a bad accident. I'd like to be able to balance and center myself again and find some more peace in my body and mind

  11. November 6, 2013 / 11:55 am

    i think it would help me and my husband as we have had a dreadful year a close family member passed and the stress we have been under has been dreadful x

  12. November 6, 2013 / 2:50 pm

    I feel this will help to center and calm me

  13. November 6, 2013 / 3:36 pm

    Assist me in understanding spirituality, and becoming more relaxed.

  14. November 6, 2013 / 5:10 pm

    I love Yoga and would be really interested in trying this out

  15. November 6, 2013 / 8:33 pm

    I feel very stressed and this will help me relax.

  16. November 6, 2013 / 10:31 pm

    To be calm and stress free

  17. November 6, 2013 / 11:09 pm

    I need this in my life!

  18. November 7, 2013 / 12:27 am

    I need to learn to relax & de stress, I think this could be just the thing to help me!

  19. November 7, 2013 / 1:24 pm

    Help with stress relief

  20. November 8, 2013 / 11:36 am

    It will help increase my energy

  21. November 8, 2013 / 4:09 pm

    it will help me to relax and rid of worries and unnecessary stress and anxiety

  22. November 9, 2013 / 6:29 pm


  23. November 9, 2013 / 9:47 pm

    I meditate on Charka Cleansing, it's helped my depression and insomnia. When I suggest meditation to friends who are suffering, they look at me as if i am mad. A book which would help me, might persuade others to give it a go too.

  24. November 10, 2013 / 11:20 pm

    open my mind to new ways of relaxing after a stressful day

  25. November 12, 2013 / 4:27 pm

    I've been interested in getting into yoga, spiritual healing and learning more about Charkas for a while so I'd love to win this to give me the push and help me learn. I have Crohns disease and recently I've researched that yoga and meditation can really help the painful symptoms, as well as help with emotional struggles so I really want to give it a try x

  26. November 14, 2013 / 11:31 am

    Ia m out of balance and I know it. I would love help to meditate and get my life back to a better place.

  27. November 16, 2013 / 3:12 am

    I stopped my daily yoga practice 6 months ago after badly injuring my back (unrelated to yoga!) and being too scared to start again. I need this book to help me re-balance my mental and emotional chakras and help me control my fear of injury so I can start to enjoy the benefits of regular yoga again

  28. November 16, 2013 / 8:11 pm

    I have always wanted to try yoga as I would like to improve my flexibility in body and mind

  29. November 16, 2013 / 10:27 pm

    balancing chakras will improve my energy and concentration,
    rid many ills at their source of causation
    yoga as a source of relaxation,

    just as good for me as a mini vacation

  30. November 17, 2013 / 12:46 am

    I wanted something like this, I recently went to the Yoga + Body, Soul & Mind show in Kensington Olympia and found all this very interesting. I started Yoga 2 months ago, I love it!!

  31. November 17, 2013 / 1:31 am

    I'm not very good at relaxing, this might just help me

  32. November 17, 2013 / 1:59 pm

    Help me relax as I suffer from stress

  33. November 17, 2013 / 2:18 pm

    I would love to try this, I like yoga so I'm sure this would be great for me

  34. November 17, 2013 / 3:05 pm

    To help me relax after a long weeks at work

  35. November 17, 2013 / 3:16 pm

    I've been going through a tough time lately (with my health and loosing loved ones) and my chakra's are seriously out of whack! I work with my chakra's a lot (using crystal healing) and I have recently discovered yoga (I can't believe I didn't start doing it sooner!), so this book is right up my street! I'm sure it would help me feel happier, healthier and more balanced! 🙂 x

  36. November 17, 2013 / 3:37 pm

    I love yoga but I'm not very good at relaxing so this would help me to refocus

  37. November 17, 2013 / 4:17 pm

    I have always wanted to try yoga as i have heard so many good things about it, its a great stress reliever, just what i need

  38. November 17, 2013 / 4:21 pm

    Looks good for the wife as she did a class on holiday to india

  39. November 17, 2013 / 8:41 pm

    I would love to open my crown Chakra, as I want to explore my spritual side and be able to meditate. I really need to shut my mind down and learn to relax, this book would be really useful.

  40. November 17, 2013 / 9:19 pm

    I practice yoga regularly but struggle with meditation because my mind is just too busy! This book would hopefully help me focus and learn to meditate properly

  41. November 17, 2013 / 9:20 pm

    with four boys I def need a way to relax and release inner peace

  42. November 17, 2013 / 10:17 pm

    I discovered meditation after breaking my back in a serious accident and it also helped with depression and ptsd

  43. November 17, 2013 / 11:45 pm

    I love yoga and was told my sacral chakra was blocked!

  44. November 18, 2013 / 12:30 am

    Would love to learn more!

  45. November 18, 2013 / 3:54 am

    LOve yoga!

  46. November 18, 2013 / 7:24 am

    I go to yoga twice a week and I'd find this really interesting.

  47. November 18, 2013 / 11:02 am

    I have been doing yoga for years and would find this really interesting!

  48. November 18, 2013 / 1:36 pm

    it intrigues me, and I am pregnant and in a lot of pain, I want to find another way to be more holistic

  49. November 18, 2013 / 2:31 pm

    I just think every part of our bodies is connected – energy is our fuel and it would be wonderful to be at my prime – as a first time mom I feel my energy levels are low, and I would love this so I'm at my best for my son

  50. November 18, 2013 / 2:59 pm

    I'm at a low ebb at the moment and need to find a resolution. This sounds intriguing. Have not thought about yoga.

  51. November 18, 2013 / 4:34 pm

    i think my levels are all in a right mess and need rebalance

  52. November 18, 2013 / 8:52 pm

    I am about to embark on a new career, and I need to get to a place where I can confidentally move forward, and I am trying to find positive and afirming ways to do this. I think this workout would help with that.

  53. November 18, 2013 / 9:29 pm

    i feel calmer for the journey ahead

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