The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner – Book Review

Title: The Tapping Solution – A Revolutionary System For Stress-Free Living

Author:  Nick Ortner
Published: 2013
Publisher: Hay House
Pages: 229
Price: (RRP) £12.99 (paperback)  
$24.95 (hard cover)
Genre: Self Help
Buy The Tapping Solution 
in the UK HERE
in the USA HERE
A New York Times Best-seller
A few years ago I came across something quite profound and quite transformative in its healing benefits. It was EFT, otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Technique. A technique that cured me of a phobia, has taken away intense cravings for refined sugar products like chocolate, cake and other sugar-rich foods, has calmed and soothed me during panic attacks, and has brought me relief where other techniques have not.

So What Is EFT and Why Is ‘The Tapping Solution’ So Great?

EFT is a method of tapping on accupressure points, primarily around the head, collarbone and a couple of other areas. The tapping itself is believed to clear the energy meridians of any blockages be they physical or emotional. While tapping on certain points you say a statement about the issue you are working on.

EFT goes to the root of certain issues by balancing the energy and calming the person doing it.

EFT can be done on yourself or by seeing a qualified practitioner. It is not necessary to see one, but I have found that it can be helpful for more stubborn issues.
‘The Tapping Solution’ is the most thorough book I have read on the subject of EFT and is a real motivation to tap. Whereas other EFT books have fallen short for me, this book covers in more depth, with full examples of how it has helped people, to fantastic tapping scripts and exercises that can really support a person’s growth and change.
EFT works on the mind body and spirit, so unlike conventional medicines, it corrects the imbalances causing health issues, emotional issues, phobias and more.
It is particularly good for stress and anxiety, and has alleviated and calmed down many a panic attack when using it, leaving me much calmer.


The Tapping Solution covers just about everything that many people can have problems and challenges with in life. These include:
  • How to relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Resistance to change
  • Issues from your past
  • Physical issues
  • Losing weight
  • Love and relationships
  • Making Money
  • Phobias
Nick goes into detail in each chapter giving great food for thought about why we have certain issues through the real life stories he shares.


Other than the tapping scripts in the book, you also get access to fuller scripts by following a link within each chapter. I found the scripts extremely helpful, especially the script on ‘Nothing Ever Works.’ 

How Has It Worked For You?

Recently using EFT I cleared a huge sugar craving during a sugar detox. I found it enabled me to release the cravings for cakes and chocolate and biscuits that I had prior to EFT. Now if I see a gorgeous looking cake, to me it looks like it would taste of cardboard and I have no urge to try it.  I have now been refined sugar free for 4 months and counting and I still have no urge for stodgy chocolate or cakes. A real breakthrough.
EFT also cured my extreme phobia of wasps and bees. So much so I now have a huge canvas of a giant bee above my workstation at home and have developed a love affair with bees. This compared to my phobia is immense as I used to run if I saw a bee or wasp. I was so scared I was in tears with the fear. Now I am in love.


The Tapping Solution is a thorough, well researched book on EFT. A clear easy read, no jargon to confuse the reader. And for anyone new to EFT, it’s a fantastic guide. Encourages the reader to try EFT through the use of great examples and scripts, and motivates you to keep going. Written in a way that total beginners will understand and be able to use.
May not be for those more advanced along the EFT path but can also be a great guide for referencing examples, getting ideas from another practitioner for your EFT practice.

Who Would Benefit From This Book?

Anyone really struggling with phobias, anxiety or health issues, who has felt little or no improvement from conventional treatments.
Anyone stuck in an emotional pattern of fear and worry about the future or the replaying of the past.
Anyone who has tried to create their reality through the law of attraction without feeling better or achieving the results they want.
Anyone with addictions. Be it to food, smoking, sex and more. Anyone with an addictive personality.
Anyone with self esteem issues or low self worth.
Anyone with money issues or blocks.

Overall, EFT can be used on anything

Post Disclaimer: I received ‘The Tapping Solution’ by Nick Ortner from Hay House in the UK for review. All opinions are my own. 

Kelly Martin
Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin is a dedicated mental health writer and blogger who fearlessly explores life’s deepest questions. Faced with a decade of profound anxiety and grief following the loss of her father and her best friend Michael, Kelly embarked on a transformative journey guided by mindfulness, and she hasn’t looked back since. Through her insightful writing, engaging podcasts, and inspiring You Tube channel Kelly empowers others to unearth the hidden treasures within their pain, embracing the profound truth that they are ‘enough’ exactly as they are.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram


  1. dream109
    June 3, 2013 / 5:32 pm

    Great review! I love eft and use it often. I particularly use it to release negative emotion and it works very well. I like the look of this book as I've never actually read a book on it, only seen in on youtube! Thanks for sharing x

  2. June 3, 2013 / 5:58 pm

    Thank you, so glad it is working for you. It is a fab book, I have read another EFT book some time ago but it was not very thorough and this one is.

  3. September 26, 2013 / 5:50 pm

    Hey I actually couldn't find much on self love in the book? I didn't think it was detailed in the chapter on Relationships?

  4. September 28, 2013 / 4:58 pm

    Hi Adam, I don't think I have mentioned a specific section on self love? The whole book touches on different aspects of what helps us accept who we are. It is an ongoing process. For me it released fears and phobias and calms anxiety. I also found that moving on from EFT into a more mindful path has helped me accept myself more. To me loving myself is the last step on a long journey of acceptance. Hope this helps. If you want specific on self love if you type it into you tube with EFT I am sure you will get some specific topics on that too. But with eft its often a case of lopping down emotional trees one at a time and self love is the last door.

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