ERASE Negativity And Embrace The Magic Within
(autographed copy)
A practical guide on how to reduce negativity and embrace happiness.
Author: Sally Marks & Jacqueline Howard
Published: 2010
Genre: Self-Help
Pages: 150
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‘ERASE Negativity’ is not your usual self-help book. Many self-help books prime you for positivity from the outset, filling you with ideas on how to be positive, but as anyone knows, being positive is not always that easy. When someone is depressed and really struggling through some life difficulty, it is difficult to believe the hype of some self-help books. For me personally ‘ERASE Negativity’ bridges that gap where other self-help books are left lagging behind. As someone who has had depression in my life and has had severe anxiety, I want to know that people like me have been able to overcome great difficulty. If someone with an extremely abundant and happy life is preaching at me to be positive when I may be racked with grief, or in a painful addictive cycle, preaching is not going to cut it.
What these authors bring together is a book with heart. Separated into 11 great chapters, the book takes you through real life experiences of often heart-wrenching difficulty and how real people come through the darkness and back into the light.
While I found that some of the exercises are those I have gone through before myself, the exercises are very valid for someone that really does not know how to change how they think or how to respond to life differently.
What To Expect
Chapters involving those who have been in deep drug addiction, to people who have been shown how to have a more positive outlook on life, to those fellow self-saboteurs (like me) who have talents that they are hiding, this book is an inspiration.
I was so inspired by one of the stories that it jump-started me to pursue some writing I had been considering for a while. So thank you Sally and Jacqueline.
Each chapter takes you through someone else’s life journey, what difficulties they experienced and the changes that took place. And each chapter ends with exercises that can begin the process towards a healthier and more positive outlook on life.
Embracing the magic encourages you to find that deep source of magic within that we all have access to, only some of us may have forgotten it along the way.
A really lovely reminder and a great encouragement for anyone struggling on their own personal life journey.
Who Would Benefit From This Book?
Anyone struggling with depression, anxiety, or finding life a challenge.
Anyone looking for inspiration to pursue their own life passions, and who may feel a little stuck along the way.
Anyone who wants to support another by purchasing it as a gift for someone that needs a little emotional support and likes to read.
My Overview:
Really easy to read chapters, incredibly inspiring stories, this book walks its talk by showing real life people overcoming great difficulty, and people who have been shown a different way.
I would like to give a big
THANK YOU to Sally Marks
for sponsoring this give-away and
providing me with a copy to review.
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ENDS Midnight 30th June
Post Disclaimer: I received ‘ERASE Negativity And Embrace The Magic Within’ from Sally Marks.
All opinions are my own.
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*Comments Answering Question to*
“What do you find most challenging to keep a positive attitude about?”
If something goes wrong at the start of the day I think I am going to have a bad day
Hi Karen, that totally happens to me too, I try to take deep breaths.
Having awful neighbours who are causing us major problems
Work- but I am making changes for the better.
I find it hardest to have positivity regarding what I am capable of achieving.
I find it hardest to make changes, even if I need too.
I find it hard to keep motivated, stopping smoking, losing weight and getting fit x
If I find it hard to stay positive about being a single mum when everyone seems to think your the devil incarnate and your child is destined for a life of drugs and crime. It's a hard job to do at the best of times
I find it hard to keep a positive attitude about most things, there is so much pain and cruelty in the world it's just depressing.
Life in general
I find it hardest to keep a positive attitude when confronted with my weaknesses.
my grown up children who don't stay in touch
I find it harder to keep a positive attitude about some ppl who have a bad and negative attitude themselves and treat me like dirt , this is spose to be family , and they say family is thicker then water… not true!
as there is so many negative people around me!
I find it hard not to let someone else's negativity bring me down into their negative world.
Myself, my worth and the possibility of escaping the darkness.
relationships and trust is the most difficult thing to keep positive about for me !
Being unemployed
My mother and (all of) her issues.
The weather
I find it hard to always stay positive about my poor health, although I always try to keep smiling and be grateful for everything I do have! 🙂
Finances and single parenthood
My self esteem!! The joys of PTSD!
Why my friends treat me the way they do
My Brother has shut me out of his life over a 5 minute tiff, and will not forgive me. He bullies my parents a lot and I have to remain positive when I hear the latest on what He's done 🙁
finances, family and housework
my familys ill health. it's hard to see a light at the end of a tunnel x
when people put me down
financial worries
friendships and my life in general.
Juggling work, family and housework, it's never ending
Job, family, finances and the general emotional roller-coaster i find myself on