Memorial Jewellery: Finding Comfort in Grief After Losing a Loved One

Discover how memorial jewellery, like ashes into rings or fingerprint pendants, provides a comforting connection to lost loved ones. Explore how these keepsakes offer peace, solace, and a sense of closeness, especially for those grieving suffering from mental health issues.

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How To Embrace Uncertainty

It’s okay not to know. Society trains us from an early age to know. Know about anything and everything. And if we don’t know how something works, we are taught to find out. If we don’t know how to do anything, we are taught to find out. We are never taught to sit in the feeling of ‘I don’t know’. Not knowing is okay. Not knowing who you are, not…

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Are You Lying To Yourself About Your Desires?

It can be very easy to ‘want’ and ‘desire’ what we think we ‘ought to’ desire. We may even think these are our genuine wants, but what if they are not? What if we are kidding ourselves? Let me give you some examples: ‘I want a successful healing business’ ‘I want to be a bestselling author’ ‘I want a partner’ What if these are not your true wants whatsoever, and…

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Hate Anxiety? Love It Instead

The Tiger of emotion or fear only bites when you run from it or try to cage it. Set it free.~ Kari Hohne, Cafe Au Soul I’m in my 48th year on planet Earth, and anxiety has been something I have spoken and written about a lot over the course of this blog (and in my podcast). When I was younger, I would push away anxiety with drugs, alcohol, or…

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CHEMTRAILS: Do We Need To Focus On The Light?

It’s challenging to not focus on what we see above us in the skies lately. Especially in the UK. Even the most hardened sceptic can spend a few hours in their garden gazing up, watching criss-cross white lines appear across the beautiful blue sky. And we all notice how the lines don’t disappear (like they did in the past), but instead they expand and form clouds. There are many different…

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When Insecurity Becomes Security In Love

In deepening my understanding of relationships and attachment styles, I’ve come to realise that my upbringing, feeling insecure as a child, created an unhealthy relationship with security. While other children may have felt secure in a stable, non-volatile, or emotionally receptive world, being shown instability, insecurity, uncertainty, and never knowing if I was going to be acknowledged, seen, or heard led to feeling secure when feeling insecure. This created my…

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Do You NEED To Suffer?

So in February, I was starting to understand a fear of happiness when I wrote Why am I afraid to be happy? It was a thought process beginning to unravel more deeply what was going on for me. Since then, I have discovered that, due to my early life programming, unlike many, my baseline for life is suffering, pain, and struggle. I was rewarded when I was feeling bad as…

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Commitment: Are You Unconsciously Escaping From What You Need?

Imagine my surprise when I discovered I wasn’t committed to success or personal growth but instead to escaping. Why would I be committed to escaping, and how is this even possible? Many of us on a spiritual or healing journey probably have as our priority our own wellbeing, personal growth, and transformation. We also probably have desires to succeed in areas we love or are passionate about, and we may…

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Is Your LOVE Profile Toxic?

Since my best friend died in 2023, I’ve been considering my life a lot, my relationships, friendships, and so much more. Grief brings with it a deep sense of loneliness, especially when the one who died was a partner or husband. Michael, while not my husband, was like a husband in many ways. We didn’t so much have the romance, but we certainly had the emotional intimacy, and we enjoyed…

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Isolation: How To Be Truly Alone When Lonely

I’ve had my share of loneliness over the course of my 47 years on Planet Earth. I’ve felt isolated on more than one occasion, but facing isolation without using the old distraction methods is a whole different ballgame. Often, we feel lonely because we want something other than what is. We yearn for people, connection, and company, yet we can be in the company of others and still feel isolated…

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