Why Societies’ Divisions Are Huge Right Now

There’s some major divisive energy happening globally right now, more so in the West than anywhere else. It has been going on for some time, but things are certainly hotting up. One thing I have noticed significantly is the splitting apart of groups, be it men and women or black and white but more so a definite difference in action. There tends to be many groups fighting FOR something and…

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Feeling Disturbed by The State of The World?

Chaos, divisions, a world that appears to be falling apart, how do we cope right now? Women being erased, riots, looting, defund the police, election, Brexit, black versus white, left versus right…it feels really uncomfortable and unnerving. If you feel disturbed, this episode is for you.

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Is Feminine and Masculine in a Great War Right Now?

It’s easy right now to look at the world in terms of wrong and right, but what if there is a much bigger picture going on? I’m a woman, I was born a woman, but now my womanhood is under threat. This is how I feel right now as a woman born. I have noticed over the past few years (more so this year with the pandemic and lockdown emotions…

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