How To Embrace Uncertainty

It’s okay not to know. Society trains us from an early age to know. Know about anything and everything. And if we don’t know how something works, we are taught to find out. If we don’t know how to do anything, we are taught to find out. We are never taught to sit in the feeling of ‘I don’t know’. Not knowing is okay. Not knowing who you are, not…

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Commitment: Are You Unconsciously Escaping From What You Need?

Imagine my surprise when I discovered I wasn’t committed to success or personal growth but instead to escaping. Why would I be committed to escaping, and how is this even possible? Many of us on a spiritual or healing journey probably have as our priority our own wellbeing, personal growth, and transformation. We also probably have desires to succeed in areas we love or are passionate about, and we may…

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Isolation: How To Be Truly Alone When Lonely

I’ve had my share of loneliness over the course of my 47 years on Planet Earth. I’ve felt isolated on more than one occasion, but facing isolation without using the old distraction methods is a whole different ballgame. Often, we feel lonely because we want something other than what is. We yearn for people, connection, and company, yet we can be in the company of others and still feel isolated…

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Why Am I Afraid To Be Happy?

Do you ever wonder why life satisfaction feels hard for you? Or do you find that when things are going great you are waiting for something bad to happen? Expecting the worst? Worrying about what’s next on the horizon? It might seem strange but many people think this way, not realising that there is an unconscious desire to feel safe in not being at ease with life. Imagine this experience:…

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For Now I Grieve…

Death is a part of life, something we all must face. Death is a part of nature, in the dying of each season to the next. Death is we exit one doorway and we enter another. So death contains life and the new. Death isn’t final or being stuck in a rut. Death is the end point of one particular part of our journey and the beginning of yet another.…

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How a Crappy 2016 Can Inspire Your Happy New Year

Nine out of ten people, in all probability, had what appeared to be a shitty 2016. From marriage failure, jobs ending, loved ones dying or major health issues.   My 2016 involved solicitor battles, near homelessness and a terrible sense of powerlessness. But from powerlessness came empowerment.   Early in the year, my landlord’s wife died and after 13 years living in a very small open-plan flat with my best…

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I Feel Powerless To War and Hate

Being empathic, sensitive, open at this time can be so hard, to take the hatred, hurt, sorrow and blame flooding the psychic airways. It’s even harder when you are viewing what is happening from a more reflective understanding. I wanted to write this post to share the ‘other side’ because so many in the West are blaming, hating and seeing the ‘other’ as the bad in all of this fear-based…

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Autumn Death Cycle – Are You Dying To The Old?

So things were moving smoothly, you felt like change was happening, you could see that life was unfolding, the old illusory you was shifting, you felt better about who you were, you felt your purpose was unfolding, you felt more connected to others, more confident, more social and BAM! The death cycle hits you. I’m in the midst of what feels like a death cycle. I often feel we follow the seasons of…

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Faith In The Process – Trust Life

Faith In The Process – Trust Life There are times in life when we just feel we cannot move ourselves forward, where no matter how hard we try, no matter what we do, nothing changes. Sometimes life has a bigger plan for us than we could ever imagine and so our thinking small or our attempts at directing the flow make no difference in the scheme of things and our…

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The Agony Of Waiting For Your Destiny

  How old are you?   Are you in your twenties, thirties, forties or beyond?   I remember that in my teens and twenties I had big ideas for my life. I saw myself as doing something worthwhile, but I passed over many different routes to who I am and nothing really cemented, nothing sustained.   I’m 39 this year. That big 40 is looming. Many people may freak out…

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