Being Human Part 3 – I’m Right You’re Wrong! – We All Do It

This is a follow up to ‘Saying Goodbye To People Pleasing’ HERE I have come to the conclusion that being on a journey of self-awareness or spirituality can breed a unsavoury side to how we deal with ourselves. Many people view weaknesses or imperfections as un-spiritual. I imagine there are heck of a lot of people hiding behind a spiritual façade where on the surface everything appears ‘perfect’, where the face the…

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Being Human Part 2: Saying Goodbye To ‘People-Pleasing’

    This is a follow up to Loving Pinocchio  I am currently aged 37, and from the age of 6, I began to ‘people please’. This all began because of my experience with the headmistress (she told me that I had embarrassed the whole school because I did not put my flowers in the correct place in a school production). People pleasing has been a way of life for…

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Being Human Part 1 : Loving Pinocchio – Embracing My Inner Fake

There comes a time in your life where you acknowledge a few home truths about yourself. When the monkey mind rattles a few re-occurring thoughts at you and you begin to question why you believe those thoughts. A big loud thought that likes to rattle on inside my mind is ‘You are such a fake!’ I guess it has not been until I began practising mindfulness that it became so…

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Heart Communication – Are You An Interrupter?

Since becoming more mindful in my day-to-day experiences I notice how much I want to change my communication style. As someone who has experienced anxiety for a long time, I notice that out of anxiety often comes interrupting others. I thought I was the only one, but I recently met a lady suffering from anxiety who spoke like a machine gun, never fully present to hear the other person. I…

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Are You Addicted To Drama?

Are You Addicted To Drama? Just notice how attracted the mind is to special effects, drama, and speeded-up versions of life.  Our thoughts and fantasies are not very satisfying or fulfilling. Like watching television for hours on end, they leave us feeling empty. You can never get enough of what does not satisfy. ~ Nirmala   There is a ‘soap opera’ in the UK called EastEnders. It has one of…

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Letting The Blues Be – Riding The Tide Of Sadness

Sometimes we feel blue. Sometimes we just cannot contain sadness.   The emotions overwhelm and spill over, filling the eyes, the heart may feel heavy, and the body filled with sighs.   Sometimes we feel blue and there is nothing we can do.   We can take stimulants, drink coffee, exercise, distract, and then we have a moment of silence, of quiet and the blues return again.   So sometimes,…

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