Insecurity is a fact of life. So few people, unless enlightened from birth, feel secure throughout their lives. I feel this world makes it almost impossible to feel secure all of the time, life in its essence is insecure because life is always changing, the world around us moves and shifts and our thoughts are never the same. The only thing that is not shifting is the awareness that is beyond all…

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G is for GRIEF

For those of you who know grief, you will need no explanation, but those who are yet to experience the heart-wrenching grief of losing a loved one to death or separation in some other way may like to follow my journey through grief. My earliest experience of grief due to the death of a loved one took place when I was 16 years old. My nanna died (grandmother) and several…

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F is for FREEDOM

Many people may have vivid feelings of freedom as a child, me? Not so much. I remember playing and having fun as a young child, but I was also racked with this feeling of physical restriction, like I was held back by something. I used to walk with a bent back, never held my head high because of life experiences early on and being picked on for being tall. Freedom…

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E is for Embarrassment

As a perpetual blusher, embarrassment is something that has been a regular event in my life. I can’t remember a time when I did not blush, even during my early childhood I was very shy, hiding behind my mother and going red in the face at any sense of attention from others. At the moment I am more able to embrace the blushing feeling, but I question it because I…

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Becoming Introvert : Re-Awakening The Real You

  Since I wrote my post ‘Shining As An Introvert’ I discovered how many introverts had taken on the persona of extrovert, and some going so far as expressing extrovert qualities for most of their adult lives. I have a friend in his seventies now and I would never had guessed he was an introvert until he told me he was. He told me that he has most of the…

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When Everyone Shines But You – By Kelly Martin

So today is the dawn of new era for me. The most fabulous beginning. Something in the making for a very long time, trickling away inside as I have been writing this blog since 2007. My first book is being officially launched today! When Everyone Shines But You – Saying Goodbye To ‘I’m Not Good Enough’ To say this is beyond exciting is too tame a sentence for me. I…

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Top 10 Tips on Setting Boundaries

  1. Start to see your ‘No’s as an affirmative ‘Yes’ to your life! Every time you allow someone to cross a personal boundary you are giving them permission to keep on doing ‘whatever’ they are doing and saying to yourself that you do not deserve better. 2. Remember you are not being mean to anyone by setting boundaries. When you don’t set boundaries you are being mean to yourself…

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Do You ‘OWN’ Who You Are?

  We are told to be authentic, to be who we really are, but how many of us truly ‘own’ who we are? Maybe you’re single, walking down the street and you see a couple holding hands and laughing and smiling and in that instant you reach out to that couple, yearning to have what they have, in essence to be who they are. You may also be feeling lonely,…

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Spiritual Superiority – It Comes In Through The Back Door

  “The best game ego has is the spiritual game. This game is incredibly powerful because it makes you superior to everyone around you.” ~ Bartholomew The spiritual path can sometimes feel like a virtuous one. What is more virtuous than being with God? You can’t argue with God, so the spiritual journey can cause a huge inflation of the ego. And it often comes in through the back door.…

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Paul’s Journey From Anxiety To Freedom

This is a guest post by Paul David from anxietynomore.co.uk How It All Began My Story really started when I was in my 20’s. I had a few issues and turned to soft drugs to cover up how I was feeling inside. The issues really were a lack of direction and happiness. I was never really happy growing up. I had friends, but they always seemed more confident than I was,…

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