Meditation – It’s Not What You Think It Is

    Over 10 years ago I started to meditate for the first time, as a part of a group. We sat on chairs in a circle, and were taken through a guided meditation. It was lovely, very serene, and we were taken into a magical landscape inside our imagination. I left relaxed, peaceful and serene. But, this is not the real purpose of meditation to me. That is, meditation that…

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The Long Road Of Grief – And Letting Go – Autumn Moments

As some of you may know, I lost my dad to heart disease 11 years ago. Those of you who have lost close loved ones will know that losing someone close is very different from losing a more distant relative, or someone whom we spend less time with. The grief is very different and can have a more long standing impact on a person’s emotional well-being. When my dad passed…

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The Antidote – Happiness For People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking – by Oliver Burkeman – Book Review

Title: THE ANTIDOTE – Happiness For People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking. Author: Oliver BurkemanPublished: 2012Publisher: CanongatePages: 236 Price:  £8.99 ( Paperback Purchase HERE) £8.99 (E-Book Purchase HERE)Other parts of the world   Various Prices (Purchase HERE) Genre: Self Help     Having spent many years practising ‘positive thinking’, following the advice of the gurus of this new wonder-path to instant happiness, fulfilment and abundance, using visualisations, vision boards, affirmations and all…

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Heart Communication – Are You An Interrupter?

Since becoming more mindful in my day-to-day experiences I notice how much I want to change my communication style. As someone who has experienced anxiety for a long time, I notice that out of anxiety often comes interrupting others. I thought I was the only one, but I recently met a lady suffering from anxiety who spoke like a machine gun, never fully present to hear the other person. I…

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Does Getting What You ‘Really’ Want Have Consequences?

Last night I had the strangest dream, but it had a very deep message for me and something to further ponder on with regards to getting what we want. Many teachings on-line speak of the famous ‘Law Of Attraction’ and ‘Creating Your Reality’. They say ‘if you want it, you can have it’. Now maybe this is true, maybe it is not, but my dream showed me something that really…

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The Law Of Attraction & The Chicken & The Egg

  I am a questioner by nature now but I wasn’t always. I used to be wildly fascinated by people’s spiritual experiences and anything outside the box. I took ‘a truth’, I didn’t question it much. I now question everything and I feel this is a very good thing; it’s very grounding. Now, ‘The Law of Attraction’ is a huge thing right now. Books are filled with information on it,…

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The Art Of Communicating by Thich Nhat Hanh – Book Review

Title: The Art Of Communicating Author: Thich Nhat Hanh Published: 2013 Publisher: Rider Books Pages: 165 Price:  £10.99 (Purchase HERE) Other parts of the world   $25.99 (Purchase HERE) Genre: Buddhism/Psychology “One of the best known and most respected Zen masters in the world today, poet, and peace and human rights activist, Thich Nhat Hanh has led an extraordinary life.” Thich Nhat Hanh Facebook page A little while ago I was introduced…

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The Gap Between A Woman’s Thighs – Natural Or Unnatural?

This year I am 37 and I was given the impression that to have a gap between my thighs was normal, a desired thing by most women. Coming from a family of tree trunk thighs, I thought that this was my lot when it came to my legs, however I soon discovered that it was just a myth and with exercise and not eating so many unhealthy stodgy foods, the…

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Are You Addicted To Drama?

Are You Addicted To Drama? Just notice how attracted the mind is to special effects, drama, and speeded-up versions of life.  Our thoughts and fantasies are not very satisfying or fulfilling. Like watching television for hours on end, they leave us feeling empty. You can never get enough of what does not satisfy. ~ Nirmala   There is a ‘soap opera’ in the UK called EastEnders. It has one of…

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Syria – Fear and The ‘Inner’ War

  Do not read on if you are not ready to be challenged. I rarely watch the news or read the news, but sometimes I stumble upon something happening and it engages me for a while. My house-mate had been mentioning Syria a few times and I had not paid much attention until last night. Without going into details, as the internet is full of it, I questioned him about…

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