Are ‘You’ Unhappy? Or Is Unhappiness Just Appearing?

“There is unhappiness in me.” A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle It’s so very easy to say inwardly or outwardly ‘I’m sad’ or ‘I’m depressed’ or ‘I’m miserable, but how many of us question these beliefs? This year I published my first book and I also gave up my drug of choice – coffee. Well I still have decaf, but not caffeine for me, not even tea. Writing the book was…

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Review : Introvert Power – Laurie Helgoe

Title: Introvert Power Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength Author: Laurie Helgoe Published: 2013 Publisher: Sourcebooks Pages: 290 Price: £11.50 at time of posting ( Purchase HERE) USA : $10.77 at time of posting (Purchase HERE) Genre: Self Help Being an introvert in an extrovert world can suck sometimes, and it must suck even more if you are an introvert in the land of the extroverts – the…

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The Changing Of The Seasons And Healing

  As the seasons come and go we may think nothing of their effect on our emotional well-being. It may seem obvious that as winter draws closer people may experience lower energy and moods, and some suffer from S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder). But what happens between the seasons? That moment when winter is not quite over and spring has not set fully into bloom? Or that in-between time when the…

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No Need To Be Perfect To Inspire Others

  There appears to be this unspoken message that to inspire others, to teach, or to share our inner wisdom with the world we need to be perfect. You may see it in the media, on-line, on videos where motivational speakers, writers and teachers spend a lot of time affirming the need to be positive and sharing very little, often none of their human flaws or vulnerabilities – this is…

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Desire And Scratching An Itch

We all know what it’s like to have an itch that we really want to scratch. Maybe you’re washing the dishes wearing rubber gloves, and suddenly the end of your nose begins to itch (this often happens to me), or you’re meditating and wanting so badly to scratch your head and find relief – for now. But inevitably that itch returns, perhaps some place else, but it’s still an itch you…

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Becoming Introvert : Re-Awakening The Real You

  Since I wrote my post ‘Shining As An Introvert’ I discovered how many introverts had taken on the persona of extrovert, and some going so far as expressing extrovert qualities for most of their adult lives. I have a friend in his seventies now and I would never had guessed he was an introvert until he told me he was. He told me that he has most of the…

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Shining As An Introvert – Is It Possible?

It is easy as an introvert to want to stay in the shadows, in the safety of quiet alone time. Extroverts live for the limelight.  They thrive and are deeply energised by attention and feedback from the world. Social occasions being food for their souls. Introverts, on the other hand, retreat into their own world, experiencing quiet reflection, nature, and choosing to enjoy smaller social experiences, with fewer people. So,…

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When Everyone Shines But You – By Kelly Martin

So today is the dawn of new era for me. The most fabulous beginning. Something in the making for a very long time, trickling away inside as I have been writing this blog since 2007. My first book is being officially launched today! When Everyone Shines But You – Saying Goodbye To ‘I’m Not Good Enough’ To say this is beyond exciting is too tame a sentence for me. I…

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Being Pollyanna – How To Be A Balanced Human

We may meet that occasional human being with that Pollyanna attitude, always positive; always looking on the bright side; always pouring light and love over any dark or dire situation; but Pollyanna is not whole. Pollyanna is missing half of who she is. But is there a negative side to positive thinking Unfortunately this is what some personal development paths are encouraging – being ‘positive’ pretty much all of the…

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