Top 20 Inspiring Quotes To Start Your Day

Sometimes we need reminders on how to begin our day, we need support and encouragement through the written word. Here are top 20 inspiring quotes to start your day.  What are yours? “There are times in everyone’s life when something constructive is born out of adversity… when things seem so bad that you’ve got to grab your fate by the shoulders and shake it.” ~ Lee Lacocca CLICK TO TWEET!  “Nothing…

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How To Embrace Anxiety and Manage The Symptoms

  This post ‘How To Embrace Anxiety and Manage The Symptoms’ is in collaboration with Spink Health. The content and opinions expressed below are that of   Anxiety is a tough experience, as I know only too well. I’ve suffered with anxiety since my early childhood and into my adult years. I understand how painful it feels, how stressful and how debilitating it can be.Throughout my childhood I was incredibly…

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How To Overcome The Anti Climax Of New Year

  New Year often kicks off with a blast of new energy, fireworks and a huge goodbye to the previous year. Many people are often relieved that the old year is over and that they can make a fresh start. Goal-setting starts, visions-boards made, high expectations for success in the coming year. We schedule, plan, day-dream, envision the coming days, and then we hit an inner road bump, an anti-climax.…

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5 Powerful Life Lessons I Learned In 2017

2017, the year incredible things happened in the world both good and bad. A time when people were divided, hate reigned, love rose up and women owned their powerful voices. Numerologically, 2017 was a number 1, a time of change, new beginnings, independence and becoming who you are. This year was phenomenal. I had so many new experiences, so much change, so many new beginnings and lots of goodbyes and…

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Is It Time To Stop Censoring Yourself?

You sit alongside someone, a friend, family member or stranger and you feel you need to say something, but you hold yourself back because you are worried you may hurt that person’s feelings. This is when we start repressing the powerful wise voice inside. For some people, speaking out of turn and using hurtful words is a way to dominate others, but many of us have been taught that we…

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Why People Pleasing Hurts and How To Drop The ‘Good Girl’ Act

  I pleased people since childhood, wearing my mask of smiles and niceness because when I let out the assertive honest me, people disappeared from my life. So as I enter my mid-life, I release the need to please people who cannot accept the ‘real me’, even if that means being alone. You may know the story. Young woman with opinions and a strong voice is rejected early on because…

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How Painful Shame Taught Me A Very Valuable Lesson

How many times have you felt shame for being human? For making normal, human errors? For expressing your vulnerability and weaknesses out loud to other human beings? I know I have and just did it again today. Being a woman with hormones flooding can sometimes be empowering but also can make me feel extra sensitive and vulnerable to my own feelings and my own trigger points. Shame feels a biggy…

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How To Find Out What You Really Want

Are you frustrated by the lack in your life? Are those things you really want just not happening? It’s easy to get attached to a specific outcome to make us happy. We’re surrounded by affluence in the West and encouraged to pin all our hopes and dreams on the outer world. While we might believe that happiness lies within, inwardly many of us may ‘secretly’ hope for circumstances to change…

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10 Ways To Have A Stress-Free Christmas

So the Christmas season is heating up, the stores are full to brimming with gifts and sales, your little ones are tugging at your heartstrings to provide for them the perfect day and perhaps you’re losing your head a little and the stress is setting in. Being mindful at Christmas can take a little more practice than at other times of the year. We are encouraged and trained by society…

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How To Stop Being Triggered By Life

“Not this again,” I’d catch myself saying. It was usually after a triggering event like someone parking my car in the driveway or when I felt unseen or excluded. I’d feel really pissed about it. I mean, how dare they! How could they be so rude? So inconsiderate? This reaction may seem pretty intense and I’m not going to sugar coat it, recovery from trauma is intense. Once that can…

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