Depression and The Painful Truth About Resentment

While there are many stigmas around mental health issues, I think some of those deep dark underbelly feelings we may have during a heavy depressive episode are not only shoved under the carpet, but seen as taboo to acknowledge or talk about. For me that is the feeling of resentment born from bitterness, which in turn is born from repressed anger. When life has lost its sweetness; when life has…

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Why Life Is Not All Sunshine and Roses

The sun is shining on this spring day in my local home area, the birds are singing, the sky is blue. Society may say ‘Be grateful’ or ‘You should be happy, what a blessed day!’ but mental health issues are not like that. Mental health issues don’t care whether the sky is blue or the sun is shining. Mental health issues don’t care if you have won the lottery or…

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Why the World Can Sing Your Praises and You Don’t

I’ve been on this path for a long time, the self-acceptance path. I turn 43 this year and before the year 2000 I was pretty much asleep, most of the time. I had very low self-esteem; I had no concept of self-love, self-care or self-compassion. Instead I adopted the coping mechanisms of over-eating and drinking alcohol. I really didn’t like myself, but I had no awareness that I didn’t like…

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Why Money Challenges Are All About Trust

I’ve written about money issues many times in this blog, how to recognise where we may be stuck and how we may have secondary benefits to why we do not allow financial abundance into our lives. Sometimes money problems are a deeper block and barrier to change than it is for other people. We unravel bit by bit what our beliefs are and how they are holding us back and…

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I Hate To Break It To You But…

You were never broken. Yes, life may have felt like it broke you, but the very fact that you are still breathing, reading this, choosing life, means it never broke you. Life can be really hard at times. I know this only too well. We can get into a place inside our minds where we just think ‘What’s the point? Why bother?’ It can feel like life is crushing us…

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Why Gratitude Is Not Always A Good Thing

You Should Be Grateful! You must be thankful! You should be grateful. You need to be grateful for what you’ve got to get more…and so the list of must-do’s goes on, BUT is it true? I followed many ‘positive thinking’ teachers for a very long time and also got on the whole bandwagon of ‘creating your reality’ and the ‘law of attraction’ ‘Abraham Hicks’ railroad and I learned many things…

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10 Powerful Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Today

For anyone who has suffered from depression, anxiety, PTSD and more, those trite memes or messages we see on the internet for improving mental health are often flooded with overly simplified bullshit that simply doesn’t cut it when you are down in the deep darkness of a manic episode or when you’re avoiding the world due to social anxiety. But there are ways to improve mental health even during the…

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Why Do We Suffer From Anxiety?

This post ‘Why Do We Suffer From Anxiety’ is in collaboration with Kalms. The content and opinions expressed below are that of As many of you know, I have experienced anxiety since childhood and I have done a lot to ease anxiety and find my own balance. The causes of anxiety can be different for everyone, but it’s worthwhile looking at what triggers us the most so we can change…

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Why Chaos Is An Essential Ingredient Of Success

There is often an essential mess before a spectacular success. How often are we told that this is part of success? Not often. I think for many of us, if we have goals or intentions in life, perhaps we are starting a new business, publishing our first book, or moving house, we know that change is difficult, but we never seem to remember how essential the muddle and mess is…

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Free Powerful Mental Health and Well-being Support Radio

Waiting lists for mental health support are growing longer worldwide. People are not receiving help when they need it for conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or PTSD and too many people are committing suicide as a result. Peace Within Radio is a new vision in mental health support, where we aim to encourage and inspire those suffering to transform their pain through empowering words and music. In 2018, I…

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