“When I’m sad I deserve more love not less. When I’m angry I deserve more love not less. When I’m frustrated I deserve more love not less. Whenever I’m hurt, heartbroken, ashamed or feeling guilty, I deserve more love not less even. When I’m embarrassed by my actions I deserve more love not less “
– Matt Kahn – read by Kelly Martin
When suffering from depression or anxiety, feeling incredible amounts of shame, I didn’t feel I deserved love. It took me a long time to see that my emotions, my feelings, the whole of me, deserved more love not less, especially when I was feeling in a very dark place.
In this podcast I talk about my own experience of not feeling good enough and how we need to journey back to having compassion when we are struggling a lot in life.
If you want to know why you are enough, this podcast is for you.
Highlights from the episode:
- A beautiful reading from Matt Kahn’s book ‘Whatever Arises, Love That’
- Why you came into this world perfect and not in the need of fixing
- How nature can teach us why we are enough
- Why the darkness is necessary
“When we came into this world, we came in perfect, there was nothing wrong with us, we never needed fixing, we were always good enough ”
“We don’t need to be doing something really big, huge or amazing to be here for a reason and to be loved just walking your own path is enough, being you is enough ”
“Life didn’t make a mistake when you were born and no matter how painful, how hard, how much suffering you’ve experienced, you are loved by life, otherwise life wouldn’t have chosen to bring you here ”