Why Won’t My Partner Have Sex With Me?

As a guy, how can I rekindle the sex my partner and I used to have? Written by Michael Doherty the author of the ‘I Ching: A Unique Intepretation of The I Ching‘ As men, how can we support our partners who have been through difficult stuff and don’t enjoy sex anymore? It can be uncomfortable, even painful for them. What sort of difficult stuff? It could be: sexual abuse.…

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Are You Ready For Love? Self-love and Vulnerability

Are You Ready For Love? Self-love and Vulnerability It’s funny, I am not normally bothered about Valentine’s Day. I have spent a few years now celebrating ‘Quirky Alone Day’, a day dedicated to singles who feel empowered being single, but also to couples who want a different way to celebrate this often very commercial time of the year. Yet as I scrolled Facebook, I saw competitions to enter and the…

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Scared To Have A Smear?

For a few years I resisted having a cervical smear test. I am in my late thirties. I believed my body would tell me if something was wrong. However I was not in touch with this part of me deeply enough to know its needs. I put off the smear test for years. And then I became sexually active in early 2015 and when the condom split I had to…

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Woman and Sex – Are You Honouring Your Body?

Woman and Sex – Are You Honouring Your Body? Next year I turn 40. In 2015 I had my first experience of ‘in love’ feelings with a man I dated for 3 months. Before I met this man I had not had physical intimacy in 10 years, yes 10 years! For a woman it is probably easier than for a man, but I chose this time-out and I know that I…

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