Are You Addicted To Sugar? Toxic Overload

It is funny how health concerns really make you assess your life and eating habits. This past few months I have had some health issues and one of those is hormonal imbalance.  I realised the skin beneath my eyes was beginning to lose its elasticity (I spoke more about this imbalance in my blog post Early Menopause HERE) and I was getting more facial hair on my chin, along with a…

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Early Menopause or Hormonal Imbalance – Take Charge Of Your Womanly Health

Modern day society has a rather dismissive way of handling women’s issues. It either numbs them out with drugs or provides women with little knowledge on the subject. Luckily, we have the internet & excellent female (and male) authors out there taking the lead on finding balance for womankind. Something that both horrifies me, and astonishes me, is how little the younger (and older) generations of women know about their…

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