When You Need to Free Others from Responsibility

“Women are not helpless and dependent like little kittens; they have the courage and strength to roar like lions. They are not candles that need to be lit by someone else; they are the self-effulgent sun.” ~ Mother Amma Sometimes in life we allow ourselves to be carried. This is not just a female experience but can be a male experience too. Sometimes the burden of life and suffering can…

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Stop Apologising for Being You

Listen above or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Podbean EPISODE 77 – PODCAST TRANSCRIPT Hi there, welcome back to Kelly Martin Speaks. I’m your host Kelly Martin and this is episode 77. Firstly, sorry for not podcasting last week, because of caring for my best friend who has been sick. I was just too emotionally and physically exhausted to podcast. He is slowly recovering, for which I am very…

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