Are You Scared to Face the Truth of Life?

“For change to occur in us, we must be willing to enter the wilderness of the unknown and to wander in unfamiliar territory, directionless and often in the darkness….We do not need to keep every little thing under control. In fact, we find ourselves only by allowing some falling apart to happen.”― Maureen Brady I’m having to face some hard truths right now. Scary truths, uncertain truths, but truths all the…

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Is It Time You Practised Saying ‘Yes’?

Is it time you began to practice saying ‘Yes’ to your reality? Change happens, but sometimes we resist change so much that we do everything in our power to hold on to the known, to the certainty, to the secure aspects of our lives. Yet eventually, all this trying to stop the flow of change, catches up with us and we have no choice but to face it. The question…

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