Hate Anxiety? Love It Instead

The Tiger of emotion or fear only bites when you run from it or try to cage it. Set it free.~ Kari Hohne, Cafe Au Soul I’m in my 48th year on planet Earth, and anxiety has been something I have spoken and written about a lot over the course of this blog (and in my podcast). When I was younger, I would push away anxiety with drugs, alcohol, or…

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Are You Attached to Pain and Suffering?

Sitting here on a cloudy Sunday afternoon, I consider my life and why the black dog of depression is visiting me once more. I think most of us who suffer from depression feel, ‘Why is this visiting me again, can I not have a break from this endless pain?’ But what if I told you this is exactly what you need? I’ve spoken before about being addicted to the darkness,…

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How to Overcome The Fear Of Change?

We are told to ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’, to fall and get back up in the face of failure and finally to discover that we may in fact be more scared of shining, more scared of success than we ever were of failing in the first place. This has been my story also. You may know the story, child grows up with criticism and toxic parenting and…

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