Why I’ve Been Quiet (Do not read if squeamish!)

Sometimes life throws you challenges and sometimes it’s not easy coping when they come. As many of you know from reading my book and my blog, my life has not been a smooth running life, like many reading this I imagine. Life has given me many opportunities to accept what is, to embrace my reality and to find a tenderness in what takes place. Earlier this year I had my…

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Next year I turn 40 and for most of the time I look around at people my own age and I don’t feel that age at all. Inside me is a 25 year old who is now re-living her misspent youth. When I was a teenager I had a hard challenging time, like most teenagers, but I did not feel I fully lived my youth. I was also quite a shy child…

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  Feeling vulnerable, something I have felt a lot in my life. Vulnerable in relationships, vulnerable in grief, vulnerable in loneliness – vulnerable. “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we…

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What is sexy to you? I used to think it was tall dark handsome, but now, as I have grown more wise (grin), I realise that sex appeal is an inside job. Someone can be stereotypically beautiful and have no sex appeal at all. Sexy comes from within, physical beauty that we are often brainwashed to believe to be sexy needs to have the whole package. My boyfriend told me…

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We all have an inner radiance, I was reminded recently that no matter how much I may have issues with my appearance, when the inner light, the inner beauty shines out it doesn’t matter. It can be a hard understanding to swallow, especially when the majority of the world highlights the importance of outer beauty, but slowly I am beginning to see my own light shine out, regardless of any…

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  Have you heard of the Quiet Revolution? It was started by an author who writes about being an introvert. The Power Of Introverts It seems we quiet ones are beginning to be revered and better understood, hurrah! It is time report cards for children don’t diminish a childs confidence by writing ‘Could speak up more in class‘ as if speaking is a requirement for being an intelligent human. This was…

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O Is For Over-Sensitive

For as long as I remember people have been saying to me “Stop being so over-sensitive Kelly” or “You’re too sensitive Kelly!”. Being sensitive was always deemed to be a bad thing – a weakness. Many years later I am now slowly beginning to see being sensitive as an asset, being sensitive connects me to people and I now meet more people who are just as sensitive as me by revealing…

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N Is For Neediness

Neediness, something I used to be the Queen of. I was needy in friendships, needy with partners and in relationships, I was just plain needy. Needless to say neediness can give off a bright shining beacon saying ‘I’m needy, stay away!’ I’m writing this article not to criticise anyone who feels needy. I know what it feels like to feel needy and I still have moments of neediness, particularly if…

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Love. It’s in every person, accessible to all, experienced by all, but for the purpose of this post I am going to discuss the love between lovers or partners. I hold my hand up and say I had never experienced love like this until recently. I am 39 this week and while some may experience this type of love early on, I was not one of these. I also feel…

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We judge. We are human. We often judge a lot! Those more enlightened among us perhaps judge less, but judging is the way we compare and contrast. For example: I might say of someone: ‘I judge that behaviour to be unacceptable to me’. So I may choose to avoid that person and not behave like that myself – BUT, and it’s a big but, this does not mean that the…

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