Are You Ready For Love? Self-love and Vulnerability

Are You Ready For Love? Self-love and Vulnerability It’s funny, I am not normally bothered about Valentine’s Day. I have spent a few years now celebrating ‘Quirky Alone Day’, a day dedicated to singles who feel empowered being single, but also to couples who want a different way to celebrate this often very commercial time of the year. Yet as I scrolled Facebook, I saw competitions to enter and the…

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Scared To Have A Smear?

For a few years I resisted having a cervical smear test. I am in my late thirties. I believed my body would tell me if something was wrong. However I was not in touch with this part of me deeply enough to know its needs. I put off the smear test for years. And then I became sexually active in early 2015 and when the condom split I had to…

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Woman and Sex – Are You Honouring Your Body?

Woman and Sex – Are You Honouring Your Body? Next year I turn 40. In 2015 I had my first experience of ‘in love’ feelings with a man I dated for 3 months. Before I met this man I had not had physical intimacy in 10 years, yes 10 years! For a woman it is probably easier than for a man, but I chose this time-out and I know that I…

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Are You Killing Your Inner Child With Perfectionism?

‘Tis the season to be jolly’ apparently right now. Christmas is coming fast and this year I decided to make some gifts for people in a group I am a member of. Crafts and artistic creations. So I bought all the stuff needed, well I thought I needed, and this afternoon I sat down to start creating. What Happened? Perfectionism hit. My entire body got tense. Nothing I tried would…

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Review: Self-Worth Hypnosis – Hypno-Peripheral Processing (HPP)

Review: Self-Worth Hypnosis – Hypno-Peripheral Processing (HPP) Years ago a friend introduced me to something called ‘Hypno Peripheral Processing’ (HPP),  and I thought WOW this is amazing. However, back then I was not ready for change, so I gave up listening to the recordings after a short time. When I was inspired to look into it again I felt ready for change and transformation.I am a big believer that when it is…

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I Feel Powerless To War and Hate

Being empathic, sensitive, open at this time can be so hard, to take the hatred, hurt, sorrow and blame flooding the psychic airways. It’s even harder when you are viewing what is happening from a more reflective understanding. I wanted to write this post to share the ‘other side’ because so many in the West are blaming, hating and seeing the ‘other’ as the bad in all of this fear-based…

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Autumn Death Cycle – Are You Dying To The Old?

So things were moving smoothly, you felt like change was happening, you could see that life was unfolding, the old illusory you was shifting, you felt better about who you were, you felt your purpose was unfolding, you felt more connected to others, more confident, more social and BAM! The death cycle hits you. I’m in the midst of what feels like a death cycle. I often feel we follow the seasons of…

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Review: At Last A Life and Beyond by Paul David + Giveaway

At Last A Life and Beyond by Paul David   Series: Book 2 Published by Paul David on 20th August 2015   Genres: Mental Health   Pages: 137 Format: Paperback (also available in eBook)Buy on Amazon Buy direct from author A little while back I read Paul’s first book ‘At Last A Life – Anxiety and Panic Free‘, and was instantly soothed by his sage advice on how to manage and…

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Are You Ready For The Remarkable World of Fairies and Magic?

It sounds like a no brainer doesn’t it? Fairies, magic… who wouldn’t want to go down the rabbit hole to experience what as a child was the thing of fairy tales and wonder. I believe in angels. I believe in people who have passed on to the world of spirit visiting us, but something in me was reluctant to believe in fairies and other magical beings. I secretly wanted to,…

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Faith In The Process – Trust Life

Faith In The Process – Trust Life There are times in life when we just feel we cannot move ourselves forward, where no matter how hard we try, no matter what we do, nothing changes. Sometimes life has a bigger plan for us than we could ever imagine and so our thinking small or our attempts at directing the flow make no difference in the scheme of things and our…

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